The MSc in Applied Psychology (Forensic Psychology) offers training in a vibrant research-active atmosphere, with a scientist-practitioner approach to the scientific study of human behaviour in the justice system. Forensic psychology focuses on researching aspects of human behaviour directly related to the legal process and applying this knowledge to the legal process. Graduates will leave equipped with skills for either applied work in the justice system or for further PhD-level studies in Forensic Psychology. Faculty will offer a variety of courses, including Forensic Tests and Measurement, Correctional Psychology, and the latest developments in research methods. Our students will apply their learning during a practicum in the field, and through teaching and research assistantships. Students will also conduct and defend their own original research through their Master’s thesis.
The Benefits of Doing an MSc in Applied Psychology (Forensic Psychology) at Saint Mary’s
By completing an MSc in Applied Psychology (Forensic Psychology) at Saint Mary's you will:
Please note that completing this program will not lead to registration as a psychologist or other professional designation.
Faculty Supervisors
Core faculty members include Drs. Robert Konopasky, Marc Patry, Steven Smith, Skye Stephens, Veronica Stinson, Marguerite Ternes, Dr. Patrick Carolan and Dr. Marghareita Cameranesi. For more information on faculty, visit the Department of Psychology Faculty & Staff page.
Admission Requirements
Application Deadlines and Key Dates
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Program Coordinator
Dr. Debra Gilin(902) 491-6211McNally South
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