Returning Awards

There are over 200 scholarships and bursaries that have been established by generous alumni, parents, corporations and other friends of the University. These are referred to as “Named Awards” because they usually have a specific name indicating their source or inspiration.

These awards have different amounts associated with them and different eligibility criteria such as community involvement, extracurricular activities, academic achievement, and/or financial need.g

To be eligible for the awards below, returning students must apply for the . The application is available in early March and the deadline to apply is May 1 of each year. More program information can be found on the Financial Aid & Awards webpage. If you have questions about these awards you can contact Financial Aid & Awards at

The Awards


1988 Campaign Scholarship for Disabled Students

  • Criteria / Description: Open to disabled students in any faculty who are registered full-time in at least three full credit hours or the equivalent in half courses and working to the best of their ability. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: The Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility

Adam Hogg Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually on the basis of superior academic achievement (GPA 3.67+) to students entering their third or fourth years of Computer Science study at Saint Mary's. Factors that may be considered in selection include exceptional computer science ability, performance in computer science courses and competitions, articles in school or other magazines and organization of computer science activities.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Mathematics and Computing Science)

Allister and Josephine Cannon Memorial

  • Criteria / Description: Award based on academic standing. Applicant must have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Irish Studies)

Alumni Association Mature Students' Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a mature student (male or female) who has completed 3-4 credits to date. Award based on academic standing and a mature student.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Alumni Christian Brothers of Ireland Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must be entering their third year of an honours program specializing in a field of the Social Science. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Social Sciences)

Alumni Jesuit Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must be entering their third or fourth year of study in any faculty and must demonstrate leadership abilities and a good Christian attitude. Award based on academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Alumni Leadership Award Trust

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have successfully completed a minimum of one year of full-time study at Saint Mary's and must have participated in varsity athletics during the previous year. Candidates must be recommended by their coaches. Award based on Satisfactory academic standing, financial need, and leadership qualities.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Varsity Athletics

Alumni Scholarship Trust

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must demonstrate their contribution to the University through involvement in non-academic endeavors which enhance the positive image of the University community. Applicants must have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Andrea Peer Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a disabled student in the Faculty of Arts, based on the recommendation of the Director of the Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility. Preference given to a student concentrating on English who demonstrates a love of literature and an interest in creative writing. Award based on Academic standing and disabled student.
  • Faculty / Discipline: The Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility.

Ann M. Power Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a full-time student, not necessarily the student with the highest average, but one who demonstrates leadership and an interest in the community through volunteering with a recognized charity or youth group, or by contributing to student life at Saint Mary's through extracurricular and leadership activities. Applicants must have completed at least one year at Saint Mary's and attained a "B" average or better. Open to all Canadian residents, with first preference to students originally from Newfoundland and Labrador. This scholarship will be awarded alternately to students in the faculties of Arts, Science and the Sobey School of Business.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Anthony Law Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's, be enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Arts and demonstrate an interest in the visual arts. Awarded based on academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts


Archibald Seaman Family Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in the Faculty of Arts at Saint Mary’s University who has completed at least two years of study at the University. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate involvement in regular physical activities, which may include recreational sports and athletic activities outside the University. The scholarship will be awarded to the qualified applicant with the highest cumulative GPA. The award is not renewable although a student may apply and be selected to receive the award more than once. Award selection will be determined by the Financial Aid Office, in consultation with the Senate Scholarship Committee.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts

Ashwood Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and involvement in University activities. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Austin E. Hayes Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Open to all full-time student who is a Nova Scotia resident in a Sobey School of Business program and involved in extracurricular activities. Preference will be given to an applicant also involved in a varsity athletic program. Award based on Sobey School of Business student with GPA of 3.50 or above.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

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B.F. Calvin DeBaie Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually on the basis of academic achievement (QPA 3.00+) to a full-time, undergraduate student attending Saint Mary's.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Barbara and Henry Reardon Scholarship Trust 

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Beaverbrook CDN Fdn Accessibility Scholarship Fund

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student wishing to continue studies at Saint Mary's, diagnosed with a disability and verified through the Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility,

Benoit Ouellette Cartography Prize

  • Criteria / Description: The University will award the Prize to the top student in the Cartography course. Award given annually.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Geography )

Bernard "Bun" Mulcahy Memorial

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a student who continues to attain satisfactory academic achievement and displays involvement and performance in University athletics programs and extra-curricular volunteer activities. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Special consideration will be given to the applicants who are members or sons/daughters of members of Beta Sigma Phi. This scholarship is open to all first year students as well as senior students. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Beth Medjuck-Benjamin Marketing Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student, entering third or fourth year, at Saint Mary’s University in the Sobey School of Business, who has declared a major in Marketing. Students must demonstrate an interest in marketing, communications or public relations. Scholarships will be awarded based on satisfactory academic achievement (minimum 3.0 GPA) and continued full-time enrolment.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Marketing

Bob Dauphinee Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description:The scholarship will be awarded to an individual with a permanent address in the Atlantic Provinces who has completed at least one year of studies at Saint Mary’s University and is enrolled in their second, third or fourth year of undergraduate studies at the University and who demonstrates academic and athletic excellence.  The recipient must have achieved a GPA of 3.5 or higher in the previous academic year; participate in university athletics; and be a member of a varsity team.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Varsity Athletics

Bob Hayes Football Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Open to all full-time student in any faculty who has completed at least one year at SMU, achieved at least a "B" average, is a key leader on the varsity football team, and a "role model" for younger varsity and high school athletes. Award based on Academic standing and leadership qualities demonstrated on the varsity football team.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Varsity Athletics

Bob Thorpe Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must be competent, full-time students from Nova Scotia who are beginning their third year in the Sobey School of Business degree program. Evidence of academic improvement in previous years must be shown. Award based on Academic standing and an element of financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Bruce S Oland Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must be residents of Nova Scotia and have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's. This scholarship is awarded alternately to students in the Faculty of Arts and Sobey School of Business. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Alternates between Faculty of Arts and Sobey School of Business

Bryan J. Rice Award for Excellence in Student Governance

  • Criteria / Description: This award will be given to a member of the Board of Governors of the Saint Mary's Students' Association, who, in that
    academic year, shows the greatest commitment to excellence in board governance, through their various activities as a Governor of the Association, and through their personal skills growth as a director. Award selection will be determined by special ballot of the Board of Governors.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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Campbell, Dr. John Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a third year student, who despite existing or past physical, social, or emotional handicaps, demonstrates initiative and leadership in student affairs and has maintained an above average academic standing in the previous two years.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Carroll Estate, Dr James J

  • Criteria / Description: Benefits available to worthy students of or entering Saint Mary's; the allowance of scholarship or bursary need not depend exclusively on either need or high academic standing; The university may establish committees or otherwise to administer the funds and approve of awards
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Charlie Sardo Memorial Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time, undergraduate student who has completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's and who holds a position as Offensive Lineman on the Saint Mary's Varsity Football team. The award is non-renewable although an individual may be selected to receive the award more than once. The recipient must be in compliance with the eligibility requirements of the appropriate athletic governing bodies in order to receive the award.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Varsity Athletics

Chrysler Canada Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Open to all full time undergraduate students who have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's in the Sobey School of Business or the Division of Engineering (preference will be given to engineering students who have expressed an interest in the automotive field). Awarded on the basis of strong academic achievement (GPA 3.3/B+ equivalent). Preference will be given to students who demonstrate leadership in community activities. The award is non-renewable and students will be limited to receiving the scholarship only once. Two awards presented annually: one to a student enrolled in the Sobey School of Business, one to a student enrolled in the Division of Engineering.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business or Engineering

Cleary Family Scholarship Fund

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded annually to a third or fourth year Canadian student in Chemistry, on the recommendation of the Chemistry Department. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Chemistry)

Clinical Psychology Award

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed ten full course credit hours at Saint Mary's and be psychology majors. Consideration will be given to students who have achieved high grades in clinical psychology courses. Award based on Academic standing; minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.50.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Psychology)

Colonel Sidney C Oland Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicant must display leadership in the community and University and must be a resident of Nova Scotia. Scholarship is awarded alternately to full-time students in the Faculty of Arts and Sobey School of Business. Award based on Academic standing and resident of Nova Scotia.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts or Sobey School of Business

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Danai Spiropoulos Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one full year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Daniel Fogarty Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a student who shows interest in education and is judged to demonstrate the best potential to be an outstanding teacher. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

David G. Smith Memorial Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a returning undergraduate or graduate student studying on a full-time or part-time bases whose experiences and endeavours help to reduce the stigma sometimes associated with mental illness, either through first-hand experiences which provide an example of the strength and resilience of people living with a mental illness, or by supporting and celebrating others who are living with a mental illness. Students may nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else for this award. All nominees will be asked to submit a statement of reflection (for discussion) after the nomination is received. A selection committee will be chaired by the Senior Director of Student Services or their designate, and may include a faculty member.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All 

David White Memorial Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a married student in any faculty having achieved a minimum "B" average in his or her previous year at Saint Mary's. Preference will be given to students who have displayed leadership qualities during high school or university. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Dick MacLean Leadership Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time, undergraduate student who has completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's, is a member of the varsity football team, and demonstrates financial need and a record of leadership. The award is non-renewable, although an individual may be selected to receive the award more than once. The recipient must be in compliance with the eligibility requirements of the appropriate athletic governing bodies in order to receive the award.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Varsity Athletics

Dr. Hermann F. Schwind Award

  • Criteria / Description: The recipient must be a full-time B. Comm. A graduate (HRM & IR major) who scored the highest GPA in year 3 and year 4 Sobey School of Business courses. The selection will be coordinated by the Financial aid Officer in consultation with the Dean of Sobey School of Business. The Dean will also provide an appropriate Certificate of Achievement to the recipient.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Dr. John C.O'C. Young Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to full time students enrolled at Saint Mary’s University, admitted in the previous September who achieved an A+ in both the first and second semesters of the first year general Chemistry courses. Students must demonstrate involvement in university and/or community service. In consultation with Financial Aid and Awards - Enrolment Services, Saint Mary’s University, the faculty members in the Department of Chemistry shall select the student who meets the above criteria and, who in their opinion, best meets the supplementary award condition of university involvement, leadership, and helpfulness to others.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Dr. Patricia Bradshaw Student Competition Enhancement Fund

  • Criteria / Description: Dr. Patricia Bradshaw, Dean of the Sobey School of Business for six years, is retiring on May 31, 2018. Saint Mary’s University and alumni and friends of the University and the Sobey School of Business recognize Dr. Bradshaw for her time as Dean and her efforts of connecting and building relationships with students, alumni and the business community. In honour of Dr. Bradshaw, this endowed fund will support student and team competitions which are a valuable experiential learning opportunity and bring great pride and profile to the students, the School and the University. Grants from the Fund will support but not be limited to student travel, transportation, Sobey branded clothing attire, competition fees, and Sobey branded promotional materials at the discretion of the Dean of the Sobey School of Business.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

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Economics and Finance Excellence Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time, undergraduate student enrolled in the Sobey School of Business or Faculty of Arts at Saint Mary's who will be completing their last 15 credit hours and will be graduating that semester with a major in Finance and/or Economics. Student must be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business or Faculty of Arts

Edmund Morris Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Open to all full-time, undergraduate political science students on the basis of superior academic achievement (QPA 3.67+). The recipient must also demonstrate leadership in community activities. A student can be awarded the scholarship on more than one occasion.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Political Science)

Edwin C. Harris Tax Prize

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled at Saint Mary's who has completed the Taxation - Part I (ACCT 4453) and Taxation - Part II (ACCT 4454) courses during the most recently completed academic year.  The intent of the award is to recognize outstanding performance in these courses.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Eleanor M Florian Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Enid R. Halley Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Two Awards. Students born in Maritime Provinces or to US citizens of parents born in Maritime Provinces. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation Faculty of Commerce Minority Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student who was born in Atlantic Canada. The student must also be a member of a visible minority group, as defined by the Employment Equity Act. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of satisfactory academic achievement (QPA 3.00+) and active involvement within the university community.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Everett Flemming Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's and be enrolled in a Sobey School of Business or Business Administration program with a distinction in Accounting. Award based on GPA of 3.50 or above, in addition to an element of financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business (Accounting)

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Father Belair, S.J. Scholarship for Part Time Students

  • Criteria / Description: Scholarship awarded to the part-time student with the highest cumulative grade point average. In the event of a tie, the award will be granted to the student who has completed the most number of credit hours through part-time study. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Faraaz Ayaaz Hossain Leadership Recognition Award

  • Criteria / Description: This award will be given to a current member of the Bangladeshi Student Society at Saint Mary’s University who exemplifies leadership in the Saint Mary’s Community. The student must demonstrate satisfactory academic standing. Award selection will be determined by Enrolment Services – Financial Aid & Awards, Saint Mary’s University through their general application process.  After they choose a self-identified society member, they will confer with the Bangladeshi Student Society Executive to confirm membership. 
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Fr. J.J. Hennessey, S. J. Memorial Trust

  • Criteria / Description: The applicant must be a senior student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in academic and athletic endeavors. The applicant should be a residence student. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Franco Gaudio Leadership (WRBCS) Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time, undergraduate student who has completed at least one year of studies at Saint Mary's, is a member of the varsity football team, and who maintains a C to B average. The recipient must also demonstrate financial need and leadership qualities through involvement in extracurricular activities. The award is non-renewable although an individual may be selected to receive the award more than once.  The recipient must be in compliance with the eligibility requirements of the appropriate athletic governing bodies in order to receive the award.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Frank & Louise Donahoe Family Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: An endowed scholarship to be awarded to a student with a learning disability who is attending Saint Mary's
  • Faculty / Discipline: Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility

Frank Baldwin Scholarship Fund

  • Criteria / Description: Scholarships awarded to a full-time male and full-time female student, preferably Nova Scotians, with satisfactory academic performance, intercollegiate basketball participation, and community involvement. Award based on Academic standing and varsity basketball participation.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Varsity Athletics

Frank Bowes Memorial Award

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a student who has struggled with personal difficulties and persisted in the search for knowledge and inner peace. Award based on Academic standing and financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Fred Smithers Undergraduate Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a student enrolled at Saint Mary's who has completed a minimum of 12 credit hours or equivalent, is taking a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester, and registered as a client of the Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility. Recipients must have a satisfactory academic record (minimum C – or GPA 1.70 or 60-62%), and preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need. This award is renewable for a maximum period of three years, provided a recipient meets the terms outlined above. In the event that the recipient does not meet the terms for renewal, another returning student will the selected to receive the scholarship. It is the donor's intent that the award be given to students up to and including their first five years at Saint Mary's. Award selection will be determined by the Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility and Enrolment Services.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility

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Gareth Akerman Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Open to all full time students entering their third or fourth year of study at Saint Mary's, majoring in Biology or Environmental Science in the Faculty of Science. Students must demonstrate strong academic achievement (minimum GPA 3.3). Preference will be given to students who are enrolled in an Honours Degree.  The scholarship is not renewable but may be awarded to qualifying students more than once.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Biology/Environmental Science)

Geraldine Thomas Classics Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time, undergraduate student who is majoring or minoring in Classical Studies, and who wishes to broaden his or her learning experience through travel (for example, field study, relevant conferences, and major museums). Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and submit a proposal indicating how they would utilize the funds towards travel related to Classical Studies.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Classical Studies

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H. Norman Stanbury Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicant must be entering his or her third or fourth year of an honours program and majoring in English. Award decision is made upon recommendation of the Dean of Arts. Award based on Academic standing and a declared major in English.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (English)

Halifax Longshoremen's Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a full-time or part-time student who is entering or continuing studies at Saint Mary's. The recipient must be a member of Local 269 I.L.A. or of a member's immediate family. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Handyside Ethical & Social Responsibility Award

  • Criteria / Description:  To be awarded to a deserving graduate or undergraduate, full or part-time student, or small group who participate in a paper, case or project.

    The focus of the paper, case or project must be on ethical and social responsibility in a non-profit or for-profit organization. It must address the “real” issues facing a business, charity or community group and the topic will have to be of benefit to the community or organization. 

    Papers may be submitted from previous or current Saint Mary’s courses and topics may include: cause-related marketing, sponsorship, social marketing, non-profit management, community development, non-profit/ corporate partnerships, venture philanthropy, environmental issues, donor/donation trend analysis and service learning projects.

    A panel determined by the Dean of the Sobey School of Business will judge entries. All applicants must agree to allow their paper/case or project to be made available as a resource to the public via the Saint Mary’s University website and library. 

  • Faculty / Discipline: Open to all faculties and programs

Harold Beazley Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Open to all full-time third and fourth year students enrolled in a Sobey School of Business program with a declared major in Accounting. Recommendations will be made by the Chairperson of the Accounting Department. Award based on Academic standing and a declared major in Accounting.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business (Accounting)

Harry and Lily Rutte Award for Spirituality and the Workplace

  • Application Required: No - projects should be sent to
  • Include a cover letter with your name, A# and contact information, and indicate you are applying for the Rutte Award.
  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a deserving undergraduate or graduate student in any faculty at Saint Mary's for the best paper, or action/research project, or any produced result in the field of spirituality and the workplace.  Papers or projects may be submitted from previous or current Saint Mary's courses.  The selection of the award recipient will be determined by the Spirituality and the Workplace Oversight Sub-Committee.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All.

Harry Woods Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Award based on academic standing. Applicants must have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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Jack Ginsburg Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a chemistry student entering the honor's year at Saint Mary's. The student with the highest combined grade point average in Chemistry, Physics, and Math. In case there are two students with the same highest combined G.P.A., the students will be interviewed by the Dean of Science who will then make the final selection. Whenever possible, a family member or the Dean of Science will present the award at the President's Annual Scholarship Tea and Ceremony.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Chemistry)

James E Donahue Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed one year of study at Saint Mary's and be enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Engineering)

Jamil Karam Scholarship Trust

  • Criteria / Description: All to students entering their second or subsequent year of University. Preference will be given to a Lebanese student (i.e. a visa student from Lebanon or a direct descendant of a Lebanese family now living in Canada). Award based on Academic standing and Lebanese descendant.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Jane Shaw Law Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to two deserving Faculty of Arts students, not necessarily the students with the highest average, who demonstrate an interest in the arts, for example, creative writing, music or visual arts. Applicants must have completed at least one year at SMU. Award based on Academic standing and enrolled in Faculty of Arts.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts

Jean Monahan Scholarship (SMUFWA)

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a part-time female student in a degree (or diploma) program beyond first year of study at SMU who has made a voluntary contribution to society. Applicant must also demonstrate an improvement in academic performance during the previous year. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

John & Pearl Pool Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a senior engineering student who will go on to DalTech for mechanical or electrical engineering. Award based on Academic standing and enrolled in Engineering Diploma Program.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Engineering)

John Glenister Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one year of studies at Saint Mary's Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

John R Levins Memorial Trust

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a graduating Sobey School of Business student who has achieved academic excellence under conditions of adversity. Award decision will be made by the Dean of the Sobey School of Business in consultation with the Department chairpersons. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Jorge Gonzalez Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: This award will be given to a returning, full-time, international undergraduate student that demonstrates a CGPA of 3.7 or higher. Financial Aid must be demonstrated. Special preference will be given to students coming to Saint Mary’s University from Venezuela.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Joseph Edmund Donahue Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one full year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Joyce Elizabeth Marshall Hsia Poetry Award

  • Criteria / Description: An annual competition open to all students at Saint Mary's. Information available from the English Department. Award based on Poetry writing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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Kathleen Shaw Hearing Impaired Student Endowment

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a hearing impaired student enrolled at Saint Mary's. Priority will be given to student demonstrating financial need. The award is non-renewable, although an individual may be selected to receive the award more than once.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility

Dr. Brij M . Kapoor Memorial Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded, upon graduation, to a student who achieves excellence within the field of Biology at Saint Mary's. Selection will be based on the highest GPA calculated using only biology course grades. The recipient of the award must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 to receive this award. Students who graduate during fall convocation will be considered for the award during the following spring convocation.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Biology)

Kenneth & Elizabeth Ozmon Family Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded annually to a senior or honours student in Psychology on the recommendation of the Psychology Department. Applicants must have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Psychology)

Kevin Bonnycastle Memorial Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student, entering third or fourth year, at Saint Mary's in the Department of Sociology or Criminology with a declared major in Sociology or Criminology or a declared double major in Sociology and Criminology. This award is non-renewable, although an individual may be selected to receive the award more than once. Award selection will be determined by the Financial Aid and Awards Office-Enrolment Services. Preference will be given to students as noted in the list below. Specifically, if there are no qualified students meeting the first preference criteria, then the next preference criteria will apply, and so on.
    • Students who self-identify as aboriginal and demonstrate financial need.
    • Students who self-identify as aboriginal.
    • Students who self-identify as a visible minority and demonstrate financial need.
    • Students who self-identify as being from a visible minority.
    • Students who demonstrate financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Department of Sociology or Criminology

Killam Properties Inc. Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time student enrolled in the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary's who has completed at least one year of study and who demonstrates leadership qualities and satisfactory academic achievement (minimum GPA 2.75)
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Kimberley-Clark Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a deserving disabled student. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility

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L'Ainee Duncan Egyptoplogical Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Open to all students who have completed one full year of university studies and who have taken at least one full university course in the area of Egyptological Studies and Near Eastern Studies and intend to pursue this area of study. Award based on Academic standing and financial need (in the case of a tie).
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Modern Languages and Classics)

Larry Corrigan Athletic Endowment

  • Criteria / Description: The purpose of the award is to attract or retain varsity basketball players. Two awards will be presented annually; one to a male basketball player and one to a female basketball player. The form and conditions of the awards are at the discretion of the Athletic Director (or equivalent position in the Athletics Department) and may be changed by the Director from time to time.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Varsity Athletics

Leonard T. Rambeau Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a full-time student having successfully completed at least one full year at Saint Mary's. The candidate will have attained academic standing of at least 3.50 QPA and have been involved in extra-curricular activities. Award based on Academic standing and an element of financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Linguistics Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a full-time, undergraduate student from Nova Scotia who is majoring in Linguistics and is enrolled in the second, third or fourth year of the Linguistics Program at Saint Mary's. Applicants should be able to demonstrate commitment to advancing global understanding through language, and/or a career in the development of advanced literacy and written communication. The Scholarship(s) will be awarded based on satisfactory academic achievement (minimum GPA 3.0) and continued full-time enrolment. Consideration given to students who demonstrate financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Modern Languages and Classics)

Lori Mahen Scholarship Fund

  • Criteria / Description: Recipient must be a full-time student having completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's, be an English major and have attained above average academic standing in the previous year of study. Award based on Academic standing and a declared major in English.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (English)

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Margo Marshall Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate black female student from Nova Scotia who has completed her first year of studies at Saint Mary’s University and demonstrates financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Margo Marshall Prize for Excellence in Short Story Writing

  • Criteria / Description: Prizes will be awarded to current students enrolled at Saint Mary’s University (any department or program) for the best original, unpublished short story of the student’s own creation, submitted by the advertised deadline. Award selection will be determined by a judging committee appointed by the Chair of the English Department. The Judging Committee will have the power to set the rules and other details related to the competition, including deadlines and the number and amount of awards to be given out, within the expenditure limits.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Marguerite Hinman Scholarship & Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one full year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Marguerite, Joseph & Charles Hinman Memorial Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a student who is enrolled with the Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility. Award based on Satisfactory academic standing and an element of financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility
  • Annual Value (Approx): $2,000

Marjorie Hayes Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Preference will be given to a female student from Nova Scotia studying part-time in a degree program. Award based on Academic standing and a part-time student.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All
  • Annual Value (Approx): $1,400

Mark Otto Haenlein Memorial Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student from Nova Scotia who is enrolled in the Sobey School of Business, has completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's, and who has a minimum GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need. Additional preference may be given to students who also demonstrate leadership in their university or community. The award is renewable.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Mary Ann and Edward J McBride Law Prize

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a graduating student majoring in Political Science, History, English or Philosophy at Saint Mary's who has been accepted for entry into the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University, or University of New Brunswick Law School.  The prize will be awarded to the quantifying applicant with the highest academic standing.  Award selection will be determined by the Registrar's Office in consultation with the Senate Scholarship Committee.  The Registrar's Office will send a letter inviting applications for the prize to students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher who are registered to graduate and who are majoring in Political Science, History, English, or Philosophy.  Included with the letter will be a copy of the terms of reference and an application form.  The deadline for applications will be April 30th.  To be eligible, students must submit with their application a letter of acceptance from one of the above named law schools.  The prize will be awarded at the Spring convocation.  Payment will be made once the recipient submits his/her transcript and confirmation of registration from the appropriate law school.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts: (Political Science, History, English or Philosophy)

Mary C Daley Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must demonstrate outstanding academic achievement as well as involvement in the University community. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Mildred Harrington Scholarship (SMUFWA)

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must demonstrate improvement in their academic performance during the previous year. Preference will be given to a female student who has made a voluntary contribution to society. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Monsignor Richard Murphy Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Available to Faculty of Science and Engineering students. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Engineering)

Montreal Women's Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: This award, a tribute to the memory of the fourteen female engineering students who died violently at the École Polytechnique de Montreal on December 10,1989, is available to female Faculty of Science and Engineering students. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Engineering)

Murray Pritchard Memorial Award for Halifax Navy League Branch

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time student (undergraduate or graduate) who has completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's and has been a member of the Navy League Cadets Corps Mic Mac (with two years of active service) and a former Cadet of a Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps (with four years of active service) and submit a written essay on Maritime Affairs that will be assessed by the Financial Aid Office. The onus is on the applicant who must provide proof of active service. If no applicant meet these criteria a full-time student who has completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's and has been an active member of the Halifax Branch of the Navy League of Canada in assisting in the pursuit of the League's purposes and objectives (as authorized by Supplementary Letters Patent on 21 October 1971) with three or more years of service will be considered. All applicants must also demonstrate satisfactory academic achievement (GPA 2.0+) and community involvement. The award is non-renewable although an individual may be selected to receive the award more than once.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

MT&T Computing Science & Business Administration Scholarship 

  • Criteria / Description: Open to students in Business Administration and Computer Science. Award based on Academic standing. 
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science/Business Administration & Computing Science Program

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Nelly Beveridge Gray Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: To support the studies of Ethnography or Archaeology.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Anthropology)

Nick Walsh Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: All to all full-time students who have achieved a minimum of 3.7 GPA in their previous year of studies at Saint Mary's.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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OPTAMUS Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Award available to members of the OPTAMUS Society; eligible members are those part-time or mature students who were members of OPTAMUS during the semester in which applications were presented and are registered members of OPTAMUS and Saint Mary's for the following academic fall semester.  The minimum number of courses (half credit) that the applicant must have completed is one.  The minimum number of courses (half credit) in which the returning student must be registered is one.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Owen J Hayes & Mary C Hayes Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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Patrick Power Scholarship in Memory of Terence R.B. Donahoe

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a full-time, undergraduate student(s) enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts Program and majoring in Political Science who has a permanent address in the Halifax Regional Municipality. The recipient must demonstrate academic excellence (+3.5 GPA) and show evidence of financial need. The award is non-renewable, although an individual may be selected to receive it more than once.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Political Science)

Perrier Family Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Open to all students studying in the area of Criminology, part-time of full-time. Applicants must have completed one year of the Criminology Program. Award based on Academic standing and studying Criminology.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Sociology and Criminology)

Peter O'Connor Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: To award a $500 (maximum $5,000) scholarship to a full-time student on the basis of satisfactory academic achievement and financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Prince John Loewenstein Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: All to majors (including honours students) in anthropology at Saint Mary's. An original essay by the student on any topic of anthropological relevance may be submitted to the departmental chairperson prior to May 31. Award based on Excellence in anthropological writing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Anthropology)

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Regis College Prize

  • Criteria / Description: Award is given to the student, normally a major, who has done outstanding work in Religious Studies courses. Award based on Academic standing and enrolled in Religious Studies courses.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Religious Studies)

Reardon Family Scholarship Trust

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Rev. Michael O'Donnell Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one full year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Robert Hayes Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Open to all full-time sophomores, juniors, and seniors having demonstrated an interest in and aptitude for creative writing. Award decision is made on the recommendation of the Chairperson of the English Department. Award based on Academic standing and a declared major in English.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (English)

Robert Thorpe Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must be competent, full-time students from Nova Scotia who are beginning their third year in the Bachelor of Commerce degree program. Evidence of academic improvement in previous years must be shown. Award based on Academic standing and an element of financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Commerce

Ronald A. Lewis Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to part-time undergraduate students who have completed at least one academic course at Saint Mary's, and who have demonstrated financial need and strong academic achievement (B+ average or GPA equivalent). The award is non-renewable, although an individual may be selected to receive the scholarship more than once.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Roy Clements Varsity Soccer Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Open to all members of the varsity soccer team who are in their final year of studies, have achieved a minimum QPA of 3.50 in the previous year, and demonstrate exceptional leadership skills on the team. Award based on Academic standing and varsity soccer participation.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Varsity Athletics

Dr. James Ryan Engineering Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a Canadian undergraduate student enrolled in the Faculty of Science Diploma in Engineering Program at Saint Mary's who has achieved satisfactory academic standing and demonstrates financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Engineering)

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S.M.U.S.U. Scholarship Fund

  • Criteria / Description: Available to either 1) a son or daughter of a member of SMU Staff Union, 2) a part-time student who is also a full-time SMU Staff Union member, 3) a Disabled student, or 4) an International Student. Applicant must have completed one year of study at SMU. Award based on GPA of 3.00 or better.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Saint Mary's Faculty Womens' Assoc. (SMUFWA) Book Award

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a deserving full-time student in any faculty. The recipient will not necessarily be the student with the highest average. The award will consist of a gift certificate for the purchase of textbooks. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Samuel H. Jopling Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Intended to provide financial assistance to one or more final year Accounting students who have overcome significant personal adversity or hardship in order to compete their degree. The awards will not only recognize the student's personal achievement, but will help to defray the additional expenses frequently encountered by such students. Recipients will be selected annually by a committee composed of members of the Department.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business (Accounting)

SNC & Lavalin Engineering Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's and be enrolled in the Engineering Program. Award based on Academic standing and enrolled in Engineering Program.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Engineering)

Student Services Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time, undergraduate student who combines scholarship and extracurricular activities at Saint Mary's, and who has a CGPA of 3.0 or above. The successful applicant must also demonstrate financial need. Preference to be given to international students.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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Thomas J. Keleher Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Any full-time Saint Mary's student from the Maritime Provinces who attains a B+ or better average in her/his previous year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on Academic standing and financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Thomas L. Trainor Memorial

  • Criteria / Description: Recipients must be full-time students in any faculty who demonstrate evidence of past or present community involvement or employment experience that shows a special entrepreneurial talent. Award based on QPA of 3.50 or better.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Timothy I. Miller Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Recipient must be a full-time continuing student who has successfully completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's and has attained a "B" average or better. Award based on Academic standing and financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Turning Points in Leadership Award

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to full-time, undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need and satisfactory academic achievement (GPA 3.0).
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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Veronica Aloyse Corbett Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one full year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Vern Creighton Award

  • Criteria / Description: Cash award to be presented annually to the individual winning the Manager of the Year award at the Athletic Banquet.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Varsity Athletics

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William Chisholm Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must demonstrate outstanding academic achievement as well as involvement in the University community. Award based on Academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

William J Dalton Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Award decision is made upon the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Department of Political Science based on a decision of the Political Science Faculty. Award based on Academic standing and a declared major in Political Science.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Political Science)

William N Duggan Memorial Scholarship

  • Criteria / Description: Available to all full-time students in any Faculty.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Women's Studies Program

  • Criteria / Description: Scholarships & bursaries for the women's studies program
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Women Studies Program)
  • Annual Value (Approx): $200

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To be eligible for the awards above, returning students must apply for the . The application is available in early March and the deadline to apply is May 1 of each year. More program information can be found on the Financial Aid & Awards webpage. If you have questions about these awards you can contact Financial Aid & Awards at

Returning Awards - Bursaries


Barbara Flanders Goldberg Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a deserving full-time student in the Sobey School of Business, who has expressed an interest in pursuing a career in public administration. Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Bernard Zwicker Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded in alternate years to a "needy" student in the Sobey School of Business Faculty. Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Birks Family Foundation Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time, undergraduate student who demonstrates financial need and is registered with the Atlantic Centre for Research, Access and Support for Students with Disabilities.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility

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Caribbean Student Success Fund

  • Established by alumni and Saint Lucian national Christopher Fevrier to provide Caribbean students and their families some relief from the financial stress of attending university internationally, and encourage academic success in students. 
  • Criteria / Description: Available to full time returning undergraduate students. Preference will be given to students from Saint Lucia. If no applicant from Saint Lucia is eligible, this Bursary will be available to students from the Caribbean Islands. To be eligible, students must demonstrate financial need and meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by the University. This Bursary in non-renewable, but previous recipients are welcome to re-apply so long as they meet the terms of eligibility. Award selection will be determined by Enrollment Services.

Carol and Colin Dodds Family Bursary

  • Awarded annually to a full-time, undergraduate student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and who has completed at least five credits at Saint Mary's. The recipient must be a student varsity athlete, have a record of community service and demonstrate financial need.
  • Criteria / Description: Alternates between Faculty of Science, Faculty of Arts and Sobey School of Business

Coy Family Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time, undergraduate student(s) who has demonstrated financial need
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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David Leitch Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a student enrolled at Saint Mary's taking a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester, and registered as a client of the Fred Smithers Centre of Support for Students with Disabilities and who has a demonstrated financial need. This award is non-renewable. This bursary is designed to provide financial assistance each year to a student with a disability who is a client of the Fred Smithers Centre and who is faced with serious financial hardship. Award selection will be determined by the Fred Smithers Centre of Support for Students with Disabilities and Enrolment Services.
  • Faculty / Discipline: The Fred Smithers Centre of Support for Students with Disabilities and Enrolment Services.

Deraldlyn Yeazel Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a full-time, undergraduate student who has completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's and demonstrates financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Donnie Jackson Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a deserving full-time undergraduate student who has completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's, with preference given to students who have declared a major or minor in any of the following areas: Modern Languages, Asian Studies, or Linguistics. The student must have a minimum GPA of 2.00 and demonstrate an interest in the community through the participation in volunteer roles.  Open to all Canadian students with a preference given to students from Atlantic Canada. The student must have demonstrated financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts (Modern Languages, Asian Studies, Linguistics)


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Elaine Leventhal Memorial Bursaries

  • Criteria / Description: Full-time Bursaries:  Bursaries are awarded based on demonstrated financial need, good academic standing and a record of leadership and University or community service, with preference given to single parents and/or students that are physically challenged.  Full-time status requires registration in at least 3.0 credit hours..  Part-Time Bursaries:Bursaries are awarded based on demonstrated financial need, good academic standing and a record of leadership and University or community service, with preference given to single parents and/or students that are physically challenged.  Part-time status requires registration in a minimum of 1.0 credits and a maximum of 2.5 credit hours.   Bursary is renewable if the recipient continues to meet the award criteria. They may be awarded to a recipient for a maximum of three consecutive academic years.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Elizabeth Dunsworth Durdle Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: All students in the Bachelor of Arts program at Saint Mary's will be eligible to apply for this award. Award based on Financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts

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Fr. Frederick J Lynch, S.J. Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Bursary applicants must have completed one year in Commerce at Saint Mary's. Award decision will be based on the recommendation of the Dean of Commerce. Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Friends of Saint Mary's Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to single parents from Nova Scotia who are full-time, undergraduate students at Saint Mary's.  Students must demonstrate financial need and satisfactory academic achievement (70% out of high school or GPA 2.0 for renewable awards).  In the event that there are insufficient full-time applicants, part-time students will be considered, with the value of the award being half of the amount being offered to full-time recipients in that same academic year.  The intent when awarding part-time bursaries is to fully award the amount available for spending.  The bursary is renewable and may be awarded to a student for a maximum of four consecutive academic years permitted they meet the terms as outlined above.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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Gary W. Richardson Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's, be from the Atlantic Provinces, and be enrolled in the Faculty of Commerce (Undergraduate or MBA program). Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business (Alternates annually between Undergraduate and MBA Program)

Gerald P. Flavin Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to students who demonstrate satisfactory academic achievement and an element of financial need. Award based on Satisfactory academic standing and financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Gertrude Deveau Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a full-time, undergraduate student who is majoring in Small Business & Entrepreneurship and is enrolled in the second, third, or fourth year of the Commerce Program at Saint Mary's.  Preference will be given to female students.  Applicants should be able to demonstrate leadership potential and through extracurricular and volunteer roles.  The Bursary will be awarded based on satisfactory academic achievement and continued full-time enrolment.  Consideration will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business (Small Business & Entrepreneurship)

Gertrude M. Pitcher Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a full-time, undergraduate student who has completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's and demonstrates financial need. The bursary is not renewable, but may be awarded to qualifying students more than once. Award selection will be determined by the Financial Aid Office and the Senate Scholarship Committee.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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J.W. Gillis Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Recipients must be Commerce students involved in varsity athletics. Award based on Academic standing and participation in varsity athletics.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

John R. (Bud) Walker Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Full or part-time student enrolled in the Faculty of Commerce or in business related courses. Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Joseph & Charles Hinman Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must be Nova Scotia residents majoring in Chemistry and have completed a full year of study at Saint Mary's. Award decision will be based on recommendations by the Chemistry Department. Award based on Academic standing and a declared major in Chemistry.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Chemistry)

Joyce Family Foundation Opportunities Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students who are Canadian citizens residing in the Atlantic Provinces, are enrolled at Saint Mary's and registered as clients of the Fred Smithers Centre of Support for Students with Disabilities. Recipients must be taking a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester. Recipients must have a satisfactory academic record (minimum C- or GPA 1.70 or 60-62%) and demonstrate financial need. Award is not renewable but may be awarded to a student for a maximum of five years
  • Faculty / Discipline: Fred Smithers Centre of Support for Students with Disabilities

Joy Estate Trust Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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Margaret M. & James E. Britten Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a deserving student from any faculty, in any year, studying full-time. Preference will be given to a resident of Atlantic Canada. Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Marguerite Hinman Scholarship & Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Applicants must have completed at least one full year of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Maria Nahrebeckey Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to single parents from Nova Scotia, who are full-time, undergraduate students at Saint Mary's.  Students must demonstrate financial need and satisfactory academic achievement (70% out of high school or QPA 2.0 for renewable awards).  In the event that there are insufficient full-time applicants, part-time students will be considered, with the value of the award being half of the amount being offered to full-time recipients in that same academic year.  The intent when awarding part-time bursaries is to fully award the amount available for spending.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Maritime Broadcasting System Awards

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to full-time students at Saint Mary's who demonstrate financial need and are enrolled in the Faculty of Arts majoring in Asian Studies, Atlantic Canada Studies, Geography, History, Political Science, Sociology & Criminology, International Development Studies, English, or Modern Languages. The selected students will show involvement in internationally focused programs, international language courses, or study abroad programs, and preference will be given to the following four designated groups; aboriginal students, female students, students with disabilities or visible minorities. Preference may be given to students with a Diploma from the Radio/Television program of the Nova Scotia Community College. Preference may also be given to students who have participated with Model UN or Model Parliament.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts

McCurdy Printing Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a full-time student enrolled in the Faculty of Commerce having successfully completed one semester of study at Saint Mary's. Award based on Financial need and a "B" average or better.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

McInnes Cooper Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to undergraduate students who have completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary’s University (30 credit hours). Students must be first generation Canadian immigrants and be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident with a permanent address in Atlantic Canada. Bursaries will be awarded based on satisfactory academic achievement (GPA of 3.0). Consideration will be given to students who demonstrate financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Michael Kelly Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student who has completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's, is involved with a competitive hockey league and demonstrates community involvement. Preference will be given to a student from Atlantic Canada. This award is non-renewable, although a student may be selected to receive the award more than once. The recipient must be in compliance with the eligibility requirements of the appropriate athletic governing bodies in order to receive the award.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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Pur Lin Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Open to to all full-time Saint Mary's students in any faculty or year who shows a desire to succeed, determination, and a good attitude. Recipient must be a resident of Nova Scotia. Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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Robert James Macpherson Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student who has completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's, is a member of the varsity football team and demonstrates financial need and a record of leadership. Applicants must also demonstrate satisfactory academic achievement (GPA 2.5+). Not renewable although a student may be selected to receive the award more than once. The recipient must be in compliance with the eligibility requirements of the appropriate athletic governing bodies in order to receive the award.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Varsity Athletics

Rebecca Cohn Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a full-time student who demonstrates satisfactory academic standing as well as an element of financial need. Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Resolutes Amateur Athletic Club Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: The recipient must be a graduate from the Halifax metro school system, who excels in leadership both on and off the playing field.  Award based on financial need, satisfactory academic standing and leadership quantities
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Reverend Edward Grant Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a minimum of two full-time undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need, who are currently working full or part-time to finance their education, who contribute to University and/or local community and who live in the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM). The bursaries are non-renewable although an individual may be selected to receive the award more than once.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Reuben & Helen Hornstein Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Bursaries shall be awarded to students entering second, third, or fourth year of Honours Anthropology, Geography, or Physics or the Master's program in Astronomy. Award based on Financial need and academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Arts/Faculty of Science

Richard and Nancy Flynn Undergraduate Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: One award will be given to a full-time mature student enrolled in an undergraduate program at the Sobey School of Business. Award selection will be based on financial need and open to recipients who are Canadian citizens or who have permanent residency status in Canada. Preference will be given in order of priority to recipients who have a permanent address in: 1) Nova Scotia, 2) Atlantic Canada, 3) rest of Canada.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Dr. Richard Homburg Bursary in Entrepreneurship

  • Criteria / Description: Recipients must be full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary's, with a declared major in Small Business & Entrepreneurship Global Business Management or Finance. The recipients must have completed a minimum of one year of full-time study at Saint Mary's. The recipients must be from Atlantic Canada and demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate commitment to advancing global understanding through the knowledge of a second language. Consideration will be given to students who are working part-time to finance their education.The bursary will be awarded based on satisfactory academic standing and continued full-time enrolment. This award is renewable and may be awarded to a student for a maximum of three consecutive years if the recipient meets the terms outlined above.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Robert James MacPherson Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student who has completed at least one year of study at Saint Mary's, is a member of the varsity football team and demonstrates financial need and a record of leadership. Applicants must also demonstrate satisfactory academic achievement (GPA 2.5+). The recipient must be in compliance with the eligibility requirements of the appropriate athletic governing bodies in order to receive the award. Not renewable.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Varsity Football Team

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Saint Mary's High School Alumni Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to students from any faculty who are involved in extra-curricular activities and contribute to community campus life. Available to first year students in the second semester and to students from subsequent years in any semester. Award based on Satisfactory academic standing of 2.50 QPA or better and financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Samuel and Mary Butler Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a full-time student majoring in Commerce who demonstrates satisfactory academic standing as well as an element of financial need. Award based on Academic standing, financial need, and a declared major in Commerce.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

Sargeant Greenwood Family Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time or part-time, returning undergraduate student enrolled in any field of study at Saint Mary’s who has completed the equivalent of one year of study (30 credit hours). Student must demonstrate financial need.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

Stephen Telfer Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a member of the Varsity football team who is a full-time student and has completed at least one academic year at Saint Mary's. Award decision is based on recommendation of football head coach and Director of Athletics. Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Varsity Athletics

Dr. Sastry Vankamamidi Family Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a full-time undergraduate Engineering student enrolled at Saint Mary's.  Preference will be given to an international student who demonstrates financial need and satisfactory academic achievement (GPA 3.0). Preferably the student will be in his or her second year of studies.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Engineering)

Suseela Vankamamidi Family Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: To be awarded to a full-time, undergraduate Engineering student enrolled at Saint Mary's. Preference to be given to an international student, who has demonstrated financial need and satisfactory academic achievement (GPA 3.0). Preferably the student will be in his/her second year of studies.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Faculty of Science (Engineering)

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TD Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Award quantification should be based solely on financial need. Students may qualify for support for any number of consecutive terms at the sole discretion of Saint Mary's, provided that they meet the terms set out.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

TD Meloche Monnex Bursary for Students with Disabilities

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded annually to a full-time, undergraduate student who demonstrates financial need and is registered with the Atlantic Centre of Research, Access and Support for Students with Disabilities.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Fred Smithers Centre of Support for Students with Disabilities

Timothy P. Hines Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a student pursuing a B.Comm. degree, preferably majoring in Accounting, who has demonstrated improved academic performance over the prior year. Preference will be given to a resident of the Eastern Shore Region of Nova Scotia. Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Sobey School of Business

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VII Pan American Wheelchair Games Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Awarded to a disabled student who has demonstrated satisfactory academic standing. Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: Fred Smithers Centre of Support for Students with Disabilities

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Wayne Myers Memorial Bursary

  • Criteria / Description: Award based on Financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • Faculty / Discipline: All

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