September 2019
Will Njoku BA’94Founder of Moncton, New Brunswick
“Set goals and shake hands with yourself in agreement to achieve those goals. Follow through; even if you don’t achieve them, you’re better off for having tried.”
What made you choose to study at Saint Mary’s? What in particular drew you to the psychology program and to the varsity basketball team?
My father attended Saint Mary’s and the first ever basketball camp I attended was there. I was offered scholarships to universities in the U.S., but by choosing SMU I was able to stay close to my family.
What was your experience like at SMU?
I was on campus for two years and made a lot of friends had a lot of laughs. I had a really good experience as a student athlete there and enjoyed being relied on as a teammate.
What are your most memorable moments of playing with the Huskies?
I would say it was watching Chris Flynn from the 21st floor from Loyola. I also enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere of the Gorsebrook.
Do you feel your experiences playing basketball at Saint Mary’s impacted your career choices?
My career choice after graduating Saint Mary’s was playing professional basketball. Saint Mary’s offered me a platform from which to launch my professional career.
Could you tell us about your role as an Inspirational Speaker & Coach? What is Will2Win and the origin of the organization’s name?
Even after 20 years as an inspirational speaker, I still get messages from students who heard me speak. The impact is really rewarding. Will2Win is more about the will, less about the win. Shifting the focus on what it takes to have good will and realize that winning means different things to every person. My philosophy is to set my feet, aim high, and follow through every day.
If you could sum up your basketball career in a sentence or two, what would you say?
“One the plains of victory bleached the bones of thousands who sat upon the threshold of victory and hesitated. And as they waited, they died”. I’m not sure who said this quote, but if you have a chance to BE you must first BElieve.
Do you stay connected with fellow alumni and/or former Huskie players? How?
Yes, I stay in touch with Paul Bromby and Jason Darling. I also spend time in the summers with my former dorm room mate, Kevin Copeland.
Do you have any career building advice for fellow alumni or students?
Set goals and shake hands with yourself in agreement to achieve those goals. Follow through; even if you don’t achieve them, you’re better off for having tried.
Looking back at your time at SMU, what makes you nostalgic about your time on campus?
Teaching 5-7 year-olds at the basketball Camp of Champions. Having laughs in the cafeteria with everyone. Fans cheering in the tower.
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