Jonathan FowlerAnthropology Department
Saint Mary's
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3
DPhil (Oxford), Professor. Archaeology and colonialism; landscape archaeology; material culture and identity; archaeological geophysics; public archaeology.
Office: MS226Phone: 902-420-5631Email:
Selected Articles & Reports
Fowler, Jonathan. 2024. Looking Sideways at Old Acadie. Rural Delivery vol. 48 no. 7, pp. 12-13.
Fowler, J. 2023. Remote Sensing Field School Geophysical Surveys, 2023 Report: HRP A2023NS076. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.
Fowler, J. 2023. Fort Edward Street Archaeological Resource Impact Assessment, Preliminary Testing: HRP A2023NS178. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.
Fowler, J. 2022. Naught But Tradition Remains? Multi-Instrument Geophysics and the Recovery of the Landscape of Grand-Pré. ISAP News: Newsletter of the International Society for Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 76 (December), pp. 18-23.
Fowler, J. 2022. Onslow Island Cemetery Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey, HRP A2022NS109. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.
Fowler, J. 2022. Fort Edward Street Archaeological Resource Impact Assessment, HRP A2022NS013. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.
Fowler, J. and Lewis, R. 2022. Investigations at the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School Site: HRP A2021NS080. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.
Fowler, J. 2021. The Chronicle Herald, Feb. 19.
Fowler, J. and Corbley, K. 2021. . GIM International issue 5, pp. 36-38.
Guiry, Eric, Noël, Stéphane, and Fowler, J. 2021. Archaeological herbivore δ13C and δ34S provide a marker for saltmarsh use and new insights into the process of 15N-enrichment in coastal plants. Journal of Archaeological Science vol. 125, pp. 1-9.
Fowler, J. 2020. Albion Mines Foundry Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey: HRP ANS2020100. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.
Fowler, J. 2020. . CBC Nova Scotia, Sept. 27.
Fowler, J. 2020. Of Middens and Wayward Rabbits. Rural Delivery vol. 45 no. 3, September, pp. 18-20.
Fowler, J. 2020. Forests on the Ocean Floor. Atlantic Forestry Review vol. 26 no. 6, July-August, pp. 39-40.
Fowler, J. 2020. Ground-Penetrating Radar and Acadian Graves at Grand-Pré. American-Canadian Genealogist, issue 157, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 21-26.
Fowler, J. 2020. Multi-Instrument Geophysical Survey in Horton Town Plot. Heritage Research Permit A2020NS022. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.
Fowler, J. 2020. CBC Nova Scotia, Feb. 23.
Fowler, J., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C. 2018. . Northeast Historical Archaeology vol. 47, pp. 161-86.
Fowler, J. and Lockerby, E. (forthcoming) Diaries of the Acadian Deportations Volume 2: John Winslow at Grand-Pré. Kentville: Gaspereau Press.
Erickson, Paul, and Fowler, Jonathan (eds.) 2013 . Halifax: Nimbus:
Erickson, Paul, and Fowler, Jonathan (eds.) 2010 . Halifax: Nimbus
Fowler, Jonathan and Lockerby, Earle 2013 . Kentville: Gaspereau Press.
Fowler, Jonathan 2018 . In Symonds James and Herva, Vesa-Pekka (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Historical Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fowler, Jonathan and Noël, Stéphane 2017 Poetry is Always Truer than History: The Curious Parentage of Acadian Archaeology, in Brooks, A. and Mehler, N. (eds.) . Gainesville: University of Florida Press, pp. 37-68.
Fowler, Jonathan 2013 Saint Croix Island, Archaeology, and the Memory of Firsts, in Erickson, Paul, and Fowler, Jonathan (eds.) . Halifax: Nimbus, pp. 65-73.
Fowler, Jonathan 2012 From Acadians to Planters in the Grand-Pré Area: An Archaeological Perspective, in Henderson, Stephen and Robichaud, Wendy (eds.) . Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, pp. 37-61.
Fowler, Jonathan 2010 A Walk Back in Time at Grand-Pré, in Erickson, Paul, and Fowler, Jonathan (eds.) . Halifax: Nimbus, pp. 43-54.
Fowler, Jonathan and Ferguson, Rob 2010 Beneath the Blockhouse Floor, in Erickson, Paul, and Fowler, Jonathan (eds.) . Halifax: Nimbus, pp. 63-74.
2023 , CBC
2021 MacLean's
2021 , CBC
2020 , Halifax Examiner 2020
2019 , The Chronicle Herald
2019 , Halifax Today
2019 , CBC News
Archaeology in Acadie
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