News Postings

Congratulations to three students for successful thesis defences!

Margaret Buhariwalla defends MSc thesis

August 16, 2021

Congratulations to Margaret who successfully defended her thesis on “Weird NLS1s: A Multi-epoch, broadband analysis to study the X-ray emission in Mrk 1239 and WKK 4438”.  She worked with Dr. Luigi Gallo for her MSc and Drs. Austin and Short were on her examination committee.

Well done, Margaret!

Kamalpreet Kaur defends MSc thesis

August 12, 2021

Congratulations to Kamalpreet who successfully defended her thesis entitled “The Nature, Environments, and Origin of Post-Starburst Galaxies”.  She worked with Dr. Ivana Damjanov for her MSc and Drs. Sawicki and Gallo were on her examination committee.

Well done, Kamalpreet!

Adam Gonzalez defends his PhD thesis

August 10, 2021

Congratulations to Adam Gonzalez who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, "Probing high-velocity outflows in active galactic nuclei and their relationship to the inner disc environments with X-ray observations" before his thesis defense committee, Drs. Ivana Damjanov (Saint Mary's), Phil Bennett (Dal), Filippo D’Ammando (INAF – Institute of Radio Astronomy, Bologna), and his advisor, Luigi Gallo (SMU).

Well done Dr Gonzales!! 

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Department of Astronomy and Physics
Offices: Atrium, 3rd floor, Main Office: AT 319
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Saint Mary's
Halifax Nova Scotia
B3H 3C3