Presidents Award for Excellence in Research
Nominations are solicited for the President's Award for Excellence in Research. The annual award will honor outstanding research conducted by a full-time faculty member who has been employed at Saint Mary's for at least three years. Presentation of the award will take place at the Fall convocation.
Nomination Procedure
All letters of recommendation and supporting documents must be forwarded to the Secretary of the FGSR Research Committee.
Selection Procedure
The Award is adjudicated by the FGSR Research Committee. The Committee has the authority to decide which nominee, if any, is deserving of the award. The Committee may seek whatever external advice it deems appropriate.
Selection Criteria
1. Productivity - The nominee must have a record of continued exceptional contributions to research/scholarship.
Authorship or important participation in authorship of significant publications collectively demonstrating research ability and leadership in a major field of knowledge. Authorship or co-authorship of publications authoritatively reviewing complex, important or advanced fields of knowledge. A record of successful transfer of knowledge to industry or to other area of application. Contributions in other forms of creative activity.
2. Creativity - Clear evidence of creativity in the development of original interpretations, or concepts in the absence of previous related studies and interpretations.
3. Influence and Impact - The nominee must have a record of substantial impact on the course of scholarly research by others.
This may be demonstrated by one or more of the following:
Widespread use of theories, concepts or interpretations developed by the nominee in research by others. Use of theories, concepts or interpretations by the nominee in textbooks or definitive review papers. A superior record of citations in citation index (where appropriate). A strong record of influence on honours students, graduate students, postdocs and/or collaborators.
4. Recognition - The nominee must have attained national or international recognition as an authority in a major field of knowledge.
Such recognition may be evidenced by any of the following:
Holds office in professional societies or serves on important committees. Acts as an editor or member of the editorial board of recognized research journals. Serves as official or invited delegate at international meetings or has been invited to address senior professional bodies. Has an appropriate record of external research grants or fellowships. *Nominators, external experts and the FGSR Research Committee should be sensitive to gender bias that can influence national or international recognition in some research disciplines.
*Nominators, external experts and the FGSR Research Committee should be sensitive to gender bias that can influence national or international recognition in some research disciplines.
Recipients of Presidents Award for Research Excellence
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