ࡱ> ?A>` jbjb $2|c|c.......\\\\ hZ 2  , R . .. .. B4v"....  .. | <\  * 0Z , .\\SAINT MARYS UNIVERSITY RETIREES ASSOCIATION Annual General Meeting 24 April 2008 Call to order 2:30 pm in the Womens Council House (Wright House) Present: L. Falk, E. McCulloch, M. Heukufer, J. Chamard, C. Howell, A. Murphy, G. Thomas, R. Marshall, F. Dougherty, G. Mitchell, R. Cosper, J. Young, and GF Young (recording) 08.001 The President reported that he and GF Young had attended the Regional meeting of CURAC at Moncton, NB, last May 2007; much of the discussion there was on the issue of pensions, and mandatory retirement. - On May 6 last the Quarter Century Club had a very successful meeting which featured a talk on the pilgrimage road to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. - On November 28 last we again had a well-attended session of retirement, and especially on income splitting, at Ryan Duffys by the consultants at TD Waterhouse. - In February 2008 we had a meeting on research and retirement with talks by GF Young and Alfonso Rojo at the Womens Council House; this venue was kindly offered by our colleague, Leonard Preyra, MLA for Halifax South End. - In March 2008 we had another well-attended meeting on health insurance, especially on long-term income insurance by Daniel MacLellan (Blue Cross) and Geof Gorman (Manulife). - The President outlined the present situation re health insurance for SMU retirees; particularly that we have tried to have retirees included on an on-going basis after retirement in the University/Unions new benefits program with Great-West Life; and has written letters to both SMUFU and the University on this point. - On April 4 last, a meeting with Peter Buntain of Mercers Consultants was organized on the subject of supplemental health insurance in general in the Board Room of Mercers downtown; faculty members from the Mount and NASCAD were also invited and duly attended the meeting; perhaps about 25 altogether. Inter alia, Mr Buntain estimated that given the number of SMU retirees vis--vis the actives including the retirees in the SMU pool would probably only raise the premiums about 10% for all participants. - The President and Board Member GF Young also had a conference with a lawyer, Mr. Michael Wood, to advise us on the legalities available to us; he also offered some valuable advice favoring our desire for inclusion in the SMU pool. 08.002 The President asked that the matter of annual dues be addressed in order to allow SMURA to pay its annual registration fee, CURAC dues, and to offer some modest subsidy to members who were willing to attend CURAC meetings in Fredericton (Regional) and Montreal (National), and such other expenses that might from time to time present themselves, e.g., legal fees. L. Falk moved, G. Thomas seconded, that the annual dues be raised from $10.00 to $20.00 beginning next year. A lively discussion ensued. Motion was carried 11-1-0. 08.003 The President called for nominations for the position of past president which was being vacated by our first President, Wally Mills; since there is no other living past president the position would be considered, for the nonce, that of member at large of the Board. J. Young nominated, J. Chamard seconded, Elaine McCulloch for that position. Also the President called for nominations for a further member at large of the Board. R. Marshall nominated, M. Heukufer seconded, Arthur Murphy for this position. Since there were no further nominations, the President declared nominations closed and the nominees duly elected by acclamation. 08.003 The President then asked GF Young to report on the meeting with Peter Buntain at Mercers re health insurance. He reported that the best situation for SMU retirees would be to be included in the new University/Union health insurance pool with Great-West Life. The key issue here is that by continuing inclusion in the pool the retiring member will NOT have any pre-existing conditions eliminated from his/her insurance coverage. Mr. Buntain also indicated that some 87% of all health insurance claims are for drugs, so that participation in the Nova Scotia Pharmacare drug insurance plan ($436 per annum) is very advisable. One cautionary note: the present CAUT FollowMe plan offered to retiring faculty members across Canada, although it allows participation without regard to pre-existing conditions for a short period of time immediately after retirement, does not cover any travel OUTSIDE the province. A vigorous discussion ensued on this topic, imbued with both light and heat! 08.004 The President then reported on upcoming events: - Quarter Century Club will meet on 11 May at 2:30 pm in the Sobey Theatre; it will feature a talk on the matter of recycling by Kathy Johnson, HRM officer on recycling. - SMUFU proposes to hold a banquet for all retired SMU faculty on 20 September next to honor their service to the University. 08.005 The Minutes of last years AGM were passed out; the President asked for any emendations or corrections. Hearing none, G. Young moved, M. Heukufer seconded, that the said minutes be approved as presented. Carried unanimously. 08.006 Re other business: Lillian Falk indicated that she would like to invite all members of SMURA to her house sometime in the summer. This offer was unanimously accepted with approbation and appreciation. The date and time will be set sometime later. 08.007 Since the Treasurer could not be present at this meeting, GF Young stood in for him and duly collected $80.00 in dues for this calendar year (2008). Motion to adjourn. Carried unanimously. 4:00 pm. a l fnh|h|6CJh|h|CJ.ESGHW 8 - ,23=>[gd| gd| ":p|/ =!"#$%<@< NormalCJaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List2 z z z 8.ESGHW8-,  2 3 = > [ 0ɀ0ɀ0 ـ0ɀ0ɀ0ɀ0ɀ00ɀ000000ɀ0ɀ0 0ɀ00ɀ0ɀ0ɀ00ɀ0`0ࣀ0ɀ0؀0ɀ00ɀ0ɀ0ɀ0ɀ0ɀ00ɀ0ɀSW;J:-xxO^`OJPJQJRJo(-^`OJQJo(hHopp^p`OJQJo(hH@ @ ^@ `OJQJo(hH^`OJQJo(hHo^`OJQJo(hH^`OJQJo(hH^`OJQJo(hHoPP^P`OJQJo(hH-xx[        @WWUa WW$@ @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial? 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