Your First Day
Benefits Orientation
If you are eligible for and , People & Culture will reach out with enrolment information.
Computer Access
Self-Service Banner Account (A#)
is a service that allows employees can use it to access payroll information, job history, sign up for electronic T4s for tax filing and updating contact information. Your Self-Service Banner username is referred to as an A# because every username starts with the letter A and is followed by eight digits (eg. A12345678). Your A number is also your Employee number. Self-Service Banner also allows you to:
- Opt-in and consent to your contact information being used for the SMU Mass Notification system, which is used only in the event of an emergency; and
- Add, update and view your Emergency Contacts.
Computer Account (s#)
This account is used to access , , , , and other services. Your computer account username, or s#, starts with the letter S and is followed by seven digits (eg. s1234567). Your S number is a confidential, and should not be shared with anyone.
Trouble accessing your account? Refer to EIT webpage.
Parking Pass
are issued through Facilities Management (McNally South, Room 011). Parking on campus without a valid permit will lead to ticketing. You will not be issued a valid parking permit until ALL outstanding tickets have been paid. There are several areas , along with related to parking.
Full time staff may purchase a 12 month parking permit through payroll deduction. Payment through payroll deduction will be taken up to a designated date each year. This date is determined on an annual basis by Facilities Management. The fee for the parking permit will be deducted from the employee’s pay for 10 consecutive pays according to the schedule put forth by Payroll Services.
Payroll deduction requests made after the designated date will only be considered for new employees and employees returning from approved leave, excluding vacation leave. Payroll deduction shall not be used for carpool or motorcycle permits.
Visit to arrange a carpool or take advantage of the University which allows members of the university community to have access to designated carpool spaces. Saint Mary’s University strongly encourages the university community to consider more sustainable forms of transportation such as public transit, walking, biking, or carpooling whenever possible.