1105 Introduction to Chinese CultureThis course surveys aspects of Chinese culture in their historical and social contexts. Topics will be selected by their instructor and may include folklore, literature, language, and material culture. No previous study of China or the Chinese language is required.
1106 Introduction to Japanese CultureThis course surveys aspects of Japanese culture in their historical and social contexts. Topics will be selected by the instructor but may include folklore, literature, language, and material culture. No previous study of Japan or the Japanese language is required.
1107 Introduction to Korean CultureStudents survey aspects of Korean culture in their historical and social contexts. Topics will be selected by the instructor and may include folklore, literature, language, religion, philosophy, and material culture. No previous study of Korea or the Korean language is required.
2210 Indigenous Voices in Modern AsiaStudents explore contemporary political, social, economic, and cultural issues apparent among the indigenous minority communities in China and Southeast Asia, through an examination of literary, cinematic, theatrical, artistic, and musical forms of expression.
2220 Introduction to Asian FilmThis course explores Asian cinema in the following national contexts: (Greater) China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Iran, and Turkey. Films will focus primarily on chronological order to map a history of Asian cinema from its early days. Students will explore relevant websites, watch video clips, and read assigned texts that analyze topics related to the respective country’s cinema, including history, religion, gender, narrative, visual content, and music.
2303 Contemporary Japan: Institutions and CultureThis course will introduce modern Japan, accentuating the institutions of family, school, and workplace. Emphasis will be placed on values, social participation, and the individual's position within the context of contemporary Japanese society. No knowledge of the Japanese language is required.
2305 Contemporary China: Institutions and CultureThis course will introduce modern China, accentuating the institutions of family, school, and workplace. Emphasis will be placed on values, socio-cultural practices, and the individual's position within contemporary Chinese society. No knowledge of the Chinese language is required.
3300 Multidisciplinary Study of AsiaThis half course will introduce students to the study of Asia from a multidisciplinary perspective. Using various disciplines in the humanities, social science and commerce fields, students will review how various disciplines intersect to create a fuller understanding of Asia.
3302 Japan in Film and LiteratureThis course will explore the cultural representation of traditional and modern Japanese culture through film and literature. Focus will be on major works of Japanese literature, ranging from pre-modern poetry to modern fiction, as well as their cinematic adaptations. All selected works of literature are in English translation. No knowledge of the Japanese language is required.
3310 Chinese Film and LiteratureThis course will explore the rich Chinese culture through representative major works of modern literature, as well as new film and contemporary art in China and Taiwan. Major themes to be considered include the family, the changing role of women, Western influences, modernization, and national identity. All selected works of literature are in English translation. No knowledge of the Chinese language is required.
3800.0 - 3825.0; 3826.1(2) - 3849.1(2) Selected Topics in Asian StudiesThe subject matter of these courses will be announced from time to time. They will cover various aspects of Asian Studies and will be multi-disciplinary in nature. The topics to be examined will be determined by the instructor and/or Department.
4400 Seminar in Asian StudiesPrerequisite: ASNT 3300.1(.2) and 2.0 core credits in Asian Studies.
This course will provide an opportunity for Asian Studies students to integrate their knowledge of Asia in a multidisciplinary fashion. This course may include case studies, specific area studies and comparative approaches to regions in Asia. Both students and faculty involved in the Asian Studies program will participate in this course.
4410 Special Topics on JapanPrerequisite: six (6) Asian Studies credit hours or permission of instructor. Special Topics on Japan is a seminar to be taught by a Japanese specialist invited to Saint Mary's.
4500 Honors ThesisPrerequisite: admission to final year of the honors program.
Asian Studies students are required to submit and defend a thesis to be selected and prepared in conjunction with a faculty advisor.
4800.0 - 4825.0; 4826.1(2) - 4849.1(2) Selected Topics in Asian StudiesThe subject matter of these courses will be announced from time to time. They will cover various aspects of Asian Studies and will be multi-disciplinary in nature. The topics to be examined will be determined by the instructor and/or Department.
4876 - 4899 Directed StudyPrerequisite: permission of ASNT Coordinator and instructor.
Intended to supplement or provide an alternative to the regular courses in Asian Studies in order to meet the special needs and interests of students, the course provides an opportunity to study a particular subject in detail and requires from the student some measure of independence and initiative.
Classes: Tutorial and independent study. 1 semester.
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