Ashley Carver

Dr. Ashley Carver


Dr. Ashley Carver
Associate Professor

Department of Criminology
Saint Mary's
Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
Office: McNally South 402
Phone:  1-902-420-5874

Saint Mary's is in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People 




Carver, A. (2018) Seeing Khadr Through Hicks: Australian and Canadian Exception by Proxy in the War on Terrorism. International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, (Forthcoming).

Carver, A. (2017) Exceptional Populism and David Hicks: State of Exception in Australia’s War on Terror. American International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3:3.

Carver, A. & Harry, C. (2017) Framing Terrorists in Canada: A comparative analysis of two shootings. International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, 12:1. pp. 98-110.

Carver, A. (2016) Value Added: Parliamentary attempts to define Terrorism in Canada and Australia. Journal of Applied Security Research, 11:2, pp. 124-138.

Carver, A. (2014) Creep and Normalisation: Exploring a strategy of social control. Critical Criminology: An International Journal, 22:3, pp. 419-432.

Carver, A. (2013). The Freedom of Security: Governing Canada in the Age of Counter-Terrorism by Colleen Bell (review). Canadian Journal of Law and Society 28(3), 437-438. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved June 27, 2017, from Project MUSE database.

Carver, A. (2011) The Devil's in the Details: Post-9/11 anti-terrorism in Canada and Australia. PhD Dissertation, University of Melbourne (Published August, 2011).

Carver A. (2005). The War on Terror as Social Warfarism. In SJ Holland & AJ Powell (eds), Crime Revisited Conference Proceedings. 1 (1): 119-132. Melbourne, Australia: Mens Rea: The Criminology Postgraduate Society.

Carver A. (2001). ‘The Role of the Victim in the International Criminal Court’, Masters Thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.


Contribution to Publication


Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (2007). Stamping Out Rights: The Impact of Anti-Terrorism Laws on Policing. Available from:


Conference Participation


  • 2000, August             

Montreal, Canada: 10th International Symposium on Victimology.

Presented: The Victim’s Role in the Establishment of the International Criminal Court.

  •  2004, November          

Melbourne, Australia: 2nd Annual Mens Rea Criminology Conference.                                         

Presented: Social Warfarism in  Australia: The  David Hicks Case

  • 2005, February           

Wellington, New Zealand: 18th Annual ANZSOC Conference: Crime, community and the state

Presented: Social Warfarism in Canada and Australia

  • 2006, February           

Hobart, Australia: 19th Annual ANZSOC Conference: Criminology and Human Rights

  • 2012, January             

Halifax, Canada: Safe Streets and Communities Act: A Nova Scotian Perspective Symposium. Nova Scotia Criminal Justice Association (NSCJA) Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Presented Bill C-38 and Corrections in Nova Scotia at Saint Mary’s University.

  • 2018, May                   

Regina, Canada: Congress of the Humanities.

Presented: Preventive Authoritarianism: Preventative Detention in Canadian Anti-Terrorism Investigations

  • 2018, June                 

Halifax, Canada: National Conference on Critical Perspectives, Criminology and Social Justice:

Presented: Seeking Perspective in Panicked Policy




Contact us

Faculty of Arts
Department of Criminology
McNally South 424
Mailing address:
923 Robie Street