Dr. Ashley CarverAssociate ProfessorDepartment of CriminologySaint Mary'sHalifax, Nova Scotia CanadaOffice: McNally South 402Phone: 1-902-420-5874
Saint Mary's is in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People
Carver, A. (2018) Seeing Khadr Through Hicks: Australian and Canadian Exception by Proxy in the War on Terrorism. International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, (Forthcoming).
Carver, A. (2017) Exceptional Populism and David Hicks: State of Exception in Australia’s War on Terror. American International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3:3.
Carver, A. & Harry, C. (2017) Framing Terrorists in Canada: A comparative analysis of two shootings. International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, 12:1. pp. 98-110.
Carver, A. (2016) Value Added: Parliamentary attempts to define Terrorism in Canada and Australia. Journal of Applied Security Research, 11:2, pp. 124-138.
Carver, A. (2014) Creep and Normalisation: Exploring a strategy of social control. Critical Criminology: An International Journal, 22:3, pp. 419-432.
Carver, A. (2013). The Freedom of Security: Governing Canada in the Age of Counter-Terrorism by Colleen Bell (review). Canadian Journal of Law and Society 28(3), 437-438. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved June 27, 2017, from Project MUSE database.
Carver, A. (2011) The Devil's in the Details: Post-9/11 anti-terrorism in Canada and Australia. PhD Dissertation, University of Melbourne (Published August, 2011).
Carver A. (2005). The War on Terror as Social Warfarism. In SJ Holland & AJ Powell (eds), Crime Revisited Conference Proceedings. 1 (1): 119-132. Melbourne, Australia: Mens Rea: The Criminology Postgraduate Society.
Carver A. (2001). ‘The Role of the Victim in the International Criminal Court’, Masters Thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (2007). Stamping Out Rights: The Impact of Anti-Terrorism Laws on Policing. Available from:
Montreal, Canada: 10th International Symposium on Victimology.
Presented: The Victim’s Role in the Establishment of the International Criminal Court.
Melbourne, Australia: 2nd Annual Mens Rea Criminology Conference.
Presented: Social Warfarism in Australia: The David Hicks Case
Wellington, New Zealand: 18th Annual ANZSOC Conference: Crime, community and the state
Presented: Social Warfarism in Canada and Australia
Hobart, Australia: 19th Annual ANZSOC Conference: Criminology and Human Rights
Halifax, Canada: Safe Streets and Communities Act: A Nova Scotian Perspective Symposium. Nova Scotia Criminal Justice Association (NSCJA) Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Presented Bill C-38 and Corrections in Nova Scotia at Saint Mary’s University.
Regina, Canada: Congress of the Humanities.
Presented: Preventive Authoritarianism: Preventative Detention in Canadian Anti-Terrorism Investigations
Halifax, Canada: National Conference on Critical Perspectives, Criminology and Social Justice:
Presented: Seeking Perspective in Panicked Policy
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