Dr. Adel Merabet
Associate Professor Division of Engineering Saint Mary's Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Laboratory of Control Systems and Mechatronics is a research facility of the Division of Engineering at Saint Mary's, centered in mechatronics engineering and technology, offering a broad range of research opportunities in automation, control and energy systems.
The laboratory is concerned with the development of advanced control and monitoring systems for smart micrgrids based on renewable (wind and solar) energy systems, energy storage systems, electric drives and mechatronics. Furthermore, research interests include power electronics, instrumentation and control design. The laboratory includes state-of-the-art equipment and technology from OPAL-RT Technologies, FESTO (LabVOLT), National Instruments.
The laboratory is committed to finding innovative, cost-effective solutions in the fields of automation, instrumentation, measurements and mechatronics for industry applications. Control design and prototyping are investigated through modeling, simulation, hardware-in-the-loop and rapid prototyping.
Note: If you are interested in graduate studies (MSc in Applied Science, PhD in Applied Science; Option: Engineering) in fields of control systems, please send email to adel.merabet@smu.ca
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