You should own a good college dictionary and a dictionary of literary terms. The department recommends The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, by Chris Baldick. You should be familiar with some of the basic tools for scholarly work in the discipline: the complete Oxford English Dictionary (second edition), the NOVANET online library catalogue for Halifax and other university libraries, the serial list for the Patrick Power Library, and the MLA International Bibliography, available both in hard copy and on CD ROM on-line through Saint Mary's computer accounts.
The following journals and reviews are of particular critical interest: Ariel, Critical Inquiry, Books in Canada, English Studies in Canada, New York Review of Books, PMLA, Representations, Signs, The South Atlantic Quarterly and The Times Literary Supplement (TLS). The English Review is a literary journal aimed specifically at students of literature.
The Wring Centre has prepared a booklet "" for academic work in the discipline of English.
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