Lab / Research

Community Conservation and Research Group (Charles)
The Oaks Second Floor
The Community-Based Conservation and Research Group, led by Dr. Tony Charles (), explores environmental and sustainability challenges, and their solutions, in local communities across Nova Scotia and around the world. The team has two main areas of emphasis. First, Dr. Charles is the Director of the  – based here at Saint Mary’s but operating globally – which conducts studies on how communities effectively combine environmental stewardship with sustainable local economies, and how governments can actively support community conservation initiatives. Second, a set of projects led by Dr. Charles focuses on coastal communities – how they can best plan their future based on healthy coasts and oceans, and in ways that build community resilience in the face of increasing  (such as sea level rise, hurricanes and oil spills).  

Please contact Dr. Charles if you are interested in undergraduate, graduate or post-doctoral research!

 CCRN Banner


 (DEEHR Group)

The Dynamic Environment & Ecosystem Health Research group, led by Dr.Linda Campbell, carries out research and assessment of both aquatic and contaminated ecosystems across Canada and world-wide.

Linda lab 1 Linda Lab 2 Linda Lab 3

Environmental Science and Astronomy and Physics Weather Station 

What is the current atmospheric pressure, relative humidity and temperature on 
campus? Visit , the Environmental Science and Astronomy and Physics Weather Station which is streaming data from the Loyola Building. Data can be downloaded for various types of analysis.
Wind Station Wunderground Regional Satellite ‌‌wunderground global
 (Wiacek Group)
McNally North 017
Our understanding of atmospheric chemistry, physics and dynamics is used to drive forecasting models of air quality, weather and climate. But the problems of air quality, weather and climate change are complex and connected, and we are constantly refining our understanding of the details within the big picture.
High-quality data sets of atmospheric composition are crucial for testing model predictions and improving our understanding of atmospheric processes. To this end, the Tropospheric Remote Sensing Laboratory (TRSL) is being established at Saint Mary’s University to characterize atmospheric composition in the “planetary boundary layer” – the air that we breathe!
Enquiries regarding undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral research positions are always welcome!




Contact us

Department of Environmental Science
Mailing address:
Saint Mary's 923 Robie Street Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3C3

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