Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The Faculty of Science has developed the following  for the PPE requirements.

Further information regarding PPE requirements can be found in the

The state:

Use of personal protective equipment

9     (1)    An employer shall ensure that adequate personal protective equipment or devices required for an assigned task are used, based on

                (a)    the nature of the task;

                (b)    the location and conditions of the workplace; and

                (c)    any hazards that may affect the health and safety of persons in the workplace.

       (2)    Where personal protective equipment or devices are required under the Act or these regulations, an employer shall ensure that

                (a)    an employee receives adequate training in the proper use and care of the personal protective equipment or devices; and

                (b)    an employee wears or uses the personal protective equipment or devices in accordance with the instruction and training provided.

       (3)    An employer shall ensure that all personal protective equipment or devices required under the Act or these regulations are

                (a)    maintained by a competent person; and

                (b)    tested or visually inspected before each use,

in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.

       (4)    Where a person identifies any defect in personal protective equipment or devices that may impair the adequacy of the equipment or devices, the employer shall ensure that the personal protective equipment or devices are not used until they are repaired.

9A  An employee shall wear or use personal protective equipment or devices as required under clause 9(2)(b).”

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