If you are ready to give right now, you can use our .
Have your credit card ready and call us at 1-888-768-4483. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (AST)
Let us know your donation preferences on our downloadable donation form and mail it with a cheque or credit card number to:
Office of Development923 Robie Street Halifax, NS B3H 3C3
In-person at 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday to Friday
Monetary gifts of cash, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), cheques and money orders are gratefully accepted.
Pledges allow you to make a commitment to the University over a period of time based on an agreed payment schedule. Payments can be made in bi-weekly, monthly or annual installments.
Your planned gift will create a legacy of support for generations of students to come, while at the same time provide positive tax benefits. Deciding what type of gift works best for you is as important as making the gift itself. Learn about your planned giving options.
Publicly-listed securities donated directly to Saint Mary's are popular gifts because of increased tax benefits. To initiate a transfer of publicly listed stocks or securities, please download the Donation of Securities Form [PDF] .
To recognize the passing of a loved one, in-memoriam gifts can be made to Saint Mary’s University. Please contact the Development Office should you wish to establish a special in-memoriam fund or to seek guidance on the wording for an obituary.
Your gift can be increased significantly if your employer or your spouse’s employer matches charitable donations. Some companies will also match a retiree’s monetary gift. .
Faculty and staff members of Saint Mary’s University may donate through bi-weekly payroll deductions. Please complete the Faculty and Staff Payroll Deduction Form (PDF) and mail to the address provided on the form or complete the online giving form.
Gifts of real estate, equipment, books, artwork, archival materials and other properties may be considered by the University. These gifts may be eligible for a tax receipt. For more information about gifts in-kind, please contact the Development Office.
United States Residents
Under the Canada-United States Income Tax Convention, a resident of the United States is entitled to a charitable deduction for gifts to a Canadian university (or college), provided they or a family member is or was enrolled at the university. A family member is defined as a spouse, child, grandchild, parent, or sibling.
A Canadian tax receipt will be issued, which can be used for U.S. income tax benefits. Saint Mary’s University Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 981358092.
Note: Saint Mary’s University has the status of a 501 (c) (3) organization according to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. As such, contributions to the University by U.S. citizens (alumni or parents of Saint Mary’s students) are deductible by U.S. taxpayers in the same manner and amounts as if those contributions were made to domestic U.S. charitable organizations.
If you are not an alumni or a family member of an alumni as defined above or if you require a donation to a US organization to take advantage of an employers matching gift program you can still receive tax advantages through our partner organization, the Friends of Saint Mary’s university Inc. (FSMUI). Download the FSMUI donation form or contact our development office.
FSMUI will direct your funds to the Saint Mary’s project of your choice, and will provide you with a letter of substantiation.
Other Countries
Saint Mary’s alumni and friends cover the globe and we gratefully accept gifts from all countries. Upon receipt, the currency is converted to Canadian dollars and we issue a Canadian tax receipt.
Charitable registration: # BN11918 9900 RR0001
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