The Department of History offers BA, Honours, and Masters degrees, and minors in Applied History or British Studies. Our faculty have expertise in American, East Asian, Canadian, European, and Latin American History from the 16th to the 20th centuries. Major research interests include public history, migration and settlement history, the history of culture, war and memory, environmental history, and legal history. Courses on ancient civilizations such as classical Greece or the Roman empire are available to History students as cross-listed courses counting toward a History degree.
The study of the past involves mastering complex bodies of knowledge and questioning widely held assumptions. In an electronic age, the ability to carry out research, to evaluate evidence, to think creatively and to argue effectively is more essential than ever.
Graduates from the Saint Mary's History Department have moved on to successful careers as lawyers, journalists, teachers, archivists, museum administrators, public servants, web designers, business leaders and university professors. Many of our students who have chosen to remain in academia have won prizes, fellowships, and research grants of their own.
To contact our Graduate Program Coordinator, send an e-mail to
For information on our Undergraduate and Honours programs, send an e-mail to
The student-run History Society is looking for new members. If you are interested in learning more about its activities select the History Society link from the menu on the right.
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