Author: (Guest Editors: Anne Mulhall, Sarah McKibben, Éibhear Walshe, and Seán Kennedy) Language: English ISBN: 0021-1427
Author: Pádraig Ó Siadhail Language: Irish ISBN:
An Béaslaíoch: Beatha agus Saothar Phiarais Béaslaí (1881-1965) - Learphollach é Piaras Béaslaí (1881-1965) a d’imir páirt ghníomhach thábhachtach i saol na Gaeilge agus i stair na hÉireann sa chéad cheathrú den fhichiú haois. Ba scríbhneoir ildánach Gaeilge é an Béaslaíoch a cheap lón léitheoireachta scóipiúil, agus drámaí, prós, filíocht agus saothar iriseoireachta ina measc. Gníomhaí agus idé-eolaí teanga é a bhunaigh an Fáinne agus Cumann na Scíbhneoirí. Fear é a rinne a chion sa Réabhlóid Éireannach (1913-1923). Bhí an Béaslaíoch orthu siúd a bhunaigh Óglaigh na hÉireann sa bhliain 1913, bhí sé amuigh in Éirí Amach na Cásca, bhí sé i láthair nuair a tháinig an Chéad Dáil Éireann le chéile, agus bhí sé ann nuair a dhaingnigh Dáil Éireann an Conradh Angla-Éireannach.
Beathaisnéis chriticiúil is ea an leabhar seo ina ríomhann Pádraig Ó Siadhail scéal eachtrach Phiarais Béaslaí. Cuireann an Siadhlach roimhe ceithre cheist mhóra a fhregairt. Cad a spreag fear óg a rugadh is a tógadh i Sasana chun a bheatha a thíolacadh d’Éirinn? Cén pháirt a d’imir an Béaslaíoch i ngluaiseacht na Gaeilge agus i bpolaitíocht na hÉireann? Cén tionchar a bhí aigesean ar an dá réimse sin? Cén dóigh a ndeachaigh a ndearna sé, a bhfaca sé agus ar tharla dó i gcion air mar dhuine? Agus é ag tarraingt ar an iliomad foinsí, ó pháipéir Bhéaslaí go nauchtáin a linne, rianaíonn an t-údar na castaí is na cora i mbeatha Bhéaslaí, ón am a raibh ról lárnach i saol na Gaeilge aige agus tionchar nach beag ar imeachtaí polaitiúla na tíre, go dtí a chinneadh tarraingt siar ón saol poilbí tar éis an Chogaigh Chathartha. Cinneadh é a chiallódh gurbh fhear gan iomrá é an Béaslaíoch ó shin i leith.
Author: various (essay by Pádraig Ó Siadhail) Language: English ISBN:
The journal of The Folklore of Ireland Society.
Pádraig Ó Siadhail has an essay entitled "James Mooney, 'The Indian Man', agus Béaloideas na hÉireann".
Author: various (edited by Seán Kennedy) Language: English ISBN: 978-0-521-11180-5
Beckett and Ireland – is the first volume of essays devoted exclusively to the topic of Beckett’s vexed relationship with his homeland. It provides compelling evidence of the continuing relevance of Ireland to Beckett’s writing long after he left for wartime France. Each essay is written by a leading Beckett scholar, and presents new insights into a wide range of approaches and topics. The volume offers a fresh perspective, provideng a genuine step forward in the understanding and appreciation of these texts. It is essential reading for Beckettians, modernists, and those interested in Irish writing. (Book description is from the Cambridge University Press's website.)
Author: Edited by Dr. Seán Kennedy Language: English ISBN: 9781474460460
Edinburgh University Press writes that "This book examines why Beckett’s writing is so queer, so disabled and disabling. Why did Beckett write so often about mental illness, disability, perversion? Why did he take such an interest in ‘abnormals’ and ‘degenerates’? How did he reconceive ‘the human’ in the wake of Hitler and Stalin? Drawing on Beckett’s voluminous archive, as well as his primary texts, the authors use psychoanalysis, queer theory, disability theory and biopolitics to push Beckett studies beyond the normal."
Author: Pádraig Ó Siadhail Language: Irish ISBN: 978-1-905560-74-5
Book description is from Cló lar-Chonnacht's website.{scroll down to read this description in English]
Pádraic Ó Conaire, mórúdar de chuid nualitríocht na Gaeilge, agus beirt de na mná i mbeatha an Chonairigh (Caitlín Ní Aodha is Mary Morrison) na príomhphearsana san úrscéal seo. Saothar é Beirt Bhan Mhisniúla a ghluaiseann ó Mheiriceá Thuaidh go Londain go Baile Átha Cliath go Meiriceá siar arís sna blianta 1913-1928.
Blaisimid de shaol na nÉireannach is na Gaeilge sna blianta roimh 1916 i Londain, áit ar chuir Caitlín Ní Aodha, Ceanadach, aithne ar an Chonaireach, go ndearnadh leannáin díobh agus gur chreid Caitlín go bpósfaidís ... gur nocht an fhírinne shearbh gurbh fhealltóir é an Conaireach a raibh ceangal na gcúig gcaol air.
In úrscéal ina dtarraingítear ar théamaí móra i scríbhinní Uí Chonaire féin, an grá agus an feall, is ar chrann Mary Morrison a thiteann sé teacht i gcabhair ar an té a loic ar a cara, Caitlín, is le fáil amach an bhfuil buille sa bhéim fós sa Chonaireach mar fhear is mar scríbhneoir ...
Bhain Beirt Bhan Mhisniúla an duais d'Úrscéal - Ficsean Liteartha, maoinithe ag Oireachtas na Gaeilge, i gcomórtais liteartha an Oireachtais 2010
{English translation}
Pádraic Ó Conaire, a central figure in contemporary Irish-language literature, and two of the women in Ó Conaire's life (Caitlín Ní Aodha and Mary Morrison) are the central characters in this novel. Set in the years between 1913 and 1928, the action in Beirt Bhan Mhisniúla moves from North America to London and Dublin before returning once more to North America.
We are given a taste of what life was like before 1916 for the Irish (and Irish speakers) in London, where the Canadian woman, Caitlín Ní Aodha, first met Ó Conaire. It was in London that their relationship became intimate and she believed, for a time, that they would be married... She soon learned that Ó Conaire had lied to her and that she wasn't the only one he had lied to either.
In a novel that draws on two of the major themes from Ó Conaire's own writings, love and betrayal, it falls to the second of the women, Mary Morrison, to come to the aid of the man who has failed her friend Caitlín, and to put Ó Conaire to the test, both as a man and as a writer.
Beirt Bhan Mhisniúla was named Literary Novel of the Year by Oireachtas na Gaeilge in the Oireachtas na Gaeilge Literary Competitions, 2010.
Author: various (special guest editors S. Karly Kehoe and Michael E. Vance) Language: English ISBN:
"In 2012, with the generous support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Saint Mary's and Glasgow Caledonian University, the project group hosted the Ireland and Empire: Seafaring, Slavery and Salvation conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It drew together a collection of scholars whose work considers the diversity of roles that Ireland and the Irish played in shaping the identity of the British world. . . . Building on the work presented in Halifax, this special issue aims to take forward the important work begun by Stephen Howe, Kevin Kenny and Alvin Jackson by highlighting some of the new research underway on Ireland’s participation in the imperial programme.” (page 150)
Author: v(Guest Editor: Seán Kennedy) Language: English ISBN:
Author: various (edited by Rebecca Pelan with essay from Pádraig Ó Siadhail) Language: English ISBN: 978-1-903631-48-5
Éilis Ní Dhuibhne: Perspectives is a critical anthology on the work of one of Ireland’s best contemporary writers. Contributing essays are by scholars from Ireland, America, Canada, Sweden, and Italy, and are the result not only of a diverse set of critical interpretations of Ní Dhuibhne’s writing, but of an even broader range of knowledge bases and critical perspectives. The anthology is designed to showcase the breadth of writing produced by this talented and generically-diverse writer. The anthology includes two previously unpublished short stories, "The Sugar Loaf" and "The Man Who Had No Story" and her classic Irish language story, "Luachra." (Book description is from the Syracuse University Press website.)
Pádraig Ó Siadhail's essay is "'Beidh sé crap’: Bilingualism and Pidginisation in Éilis Ní Dhuibhne’s Irish Language Writings”.
Author: various (Editors are Cló Iar-Chonnacht, Jürgen Uhlich with essay submitted by Pádraig Ó Siadhail.) Language: Irish ISBN: 978-1-906882-73-0
The book description is from the Cló lar-Chonnacht website.
{scroll down for English translation}
Tá Cathal Ó Háinle, Ollamh Emeritus le Gaeilge i gColáiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath, aitheanta mar dhuine de scoláirí móra na Gaeilge ó fuair a pheann a chéad phromhadh leathchéad bliain ó shin.
Ceiliúradh is ea an leabhar seo ar a bhfuil déanta aige do léann na Gaeilge ón am sin i leith - leabhar mór do scoláire mór.
Tá breis is daichead alt ardchaighdeáin ann le saineolaithe ar mhórán chuile ghné de shaíocht na Gaeilge, ó ré na Sean-Ghaeilge anuas go béaloideas ár sinsear agus go litríocht an lae inniu.
Féilscríbhinn do Chathal Ó Háinleis a collection of essays in honour of leading Irish scholar Cathal Ó Háinle, Professor Emeritus of Irish in Trinity College Dublin. It celebrates the major contribution he has made to the study of Irish language and literature since he penned his first academic article fifty years ago. This thousand-page book consists of more than 40 articles by leading scholars in almost every aspect of our language and literature, from Old Irish to folklore to modern prose and poetry. All of the contributions are in Irish except for two articles in Scottish Gaelic.
Pádraig Ó Siadhail's essay is “‘Anna Ghordún’ agus an ‘Gaberlunzie Man’: Nóta faisnéise faoi Anne Gordon Rudmose-Brown agus faoi Phádraic Ó Conaire”.
Author: various (edited by Pádraig Ó Siadhail) Language: Irish ISBN: 978-1-905560-35-6
Book description is from book cover.
Gearrdhrámai an Chéid - Is den fhichiú haois téatar na Gaeilge, idir scríobh drámaí is stáitsiú amharclainne. Is éard atá sa mhórchnuasach seo roghnú de na gearrdhrámaí ab fhearr agus ba dhúshlánaí de chuid an chéid sin. Tá dhá dhráma dhéag ann ar scáthán ar fhorbairt, ar shaibhreas, ar cheardúlacht agus ar ilghnéitheacht na healaíne sin iad. Sa díolaim seo, faighimid iarrachtaí luatha ó ré na Chéad Athbheochana, agus Casadh an tSúgáin le Dubhghlas de hÍde ina measc; seoda stáitse ón Dara hAthbheochan (1930í-1970) agus Moloney le Seán Ó Tuama is Na Mairnéalaigh le hEoghan Ó Tuairisc orthu; agus saothair chumasacha ónár linn féin le Biddy Jenkinson, le hAntoine Ó Flatharta agus le Cathal Ó Searcaigh. Má tá saol amharclannaíochta na Gaeilge thuas seal thíos seal le breis is céad bliain anuas, teistiméireacht dhobhréagnaithe is ea an leabhar seo nár loic bua na samhlaíochta is féith na cumadóireachta ar na drámadóirí riamh.
Author: Pádraig Ó Siadhail Language: Irish ISBN: 1 873687 34 6
The book description is from the Lagan Press website.
“Idir dhá thír: rud fisiciúil is ea é. Tagann tú. Imíonn tú. Filleann tú. Fágann tú. Thar aon rud eile, rud síceolaíoch atá ann. Baineann tú le dhá thír. Agus uaireanta, ní bhaineann tú le ceachtar acu.” Sa chnuasach aistí seo, cuireann Pádraig Ó Siadhail roimhe saothar beag fionnachtana a scríobh ina n-amharcann sé ar Cheanada trí shúile an inimircigh Éireannaigh. Na huirlisí atá aige agus é ag gabháil don fhionnachtain seo ná meascán den…
Author: various (Edited by Graeme Morton and David A. Wilson with essay from Pádraig Ó Siadhail.) Language: English ISBN: 978-0-7735-4151-1
The book description is from the McGill-Queen's University Press's website.
The expansion of the British Empire during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries created the greatest mass migration in human history, in which the Irish and Scots played a central, complex, and controversial role. The essays in this volume explore the diverse encounters Irish and Scottish migrants had with Indigenous peoples in North America and Australasia. The Irish and Scots were among the most active and enthusiastic participants in what one contributor describes as "the greatest single period of land theft, cultural pillage, and casual genocide in world history." At the same time, some settlers attempted to understand Indigenous society rather than destroy it, while others incorporated a romanticized view of Natives into a radical critique of European society, and others still empathized with Natives as fellow victims of imperialism. These essays investigate the extent to which the condition of being Irish and Scottish affected settlers' attitudes to Indigenous peoples, and examine the political, social, religious, cultural, and economic dimensions of their interactions. Presenting a variety of viewpoints, the editors reach the provocative conclusion that the Scottish and Irish origins of settlers were less important in determining attitudes and behaviour than were the specific circumstances in which those settlers found themselves at different times and places in North America, Australia and New Zealand. Contributors include Donald Harman Akenson (Queen's), John Eastlake (College Cork), Marjory Harper (Aberdeen), Andrew Hinson (Toronto), Michele Holmgren (Mount Royal), Kevin Hutchings (Northern British Columbia), Anne Lederman (Royal Conservatory of Music), Patricia A. McCormack (Alberta), Mark G. McGowan (Toronto), Ann McGrath (Australian National), Cian T. McMahon (Nevada), Graeme Morton (Guelph), Michael Newton (Xavier), Pádraig Ó Siadhail (Saint Mary's), Brad Patterson (Victoria University of Wellington), Beverly Soloway (Lakehead), and David A. Wilson (Toronto).
Pádraig Ó Siadhail's essay is entitled "James Mooney (1861-1921): The 'Indian Man' and the 'Irish Catholic'".
Author: Dr. Pádraig Ó Siadhail Language: English ISBN:
A member of the Irish Catholic community in Emerald, Prince Edward Island, Katherine Hughes (1876-1925) travelled far and accomplished much during her short life. Her career was varied and eventful: a teacher in a Native school; a journalist (Montreal Star); a biographer (Archbishop Cornelius O’Brien; Father Albert Lacombe; Sir William Van Horne); private secretary to Alberta’s second Premier; Alberta’s first provincial archivist; and most importantly, Irish political activist in support of Eamon de Valera and the cause of Irish independence. Hughes’ travels took her across Canada, to Europe, including Ireland, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. In this book, Pádraig Ó Siadhail charts Katherine Hughes’ physical journeys and discusses the challenges of understanding Hughes’ internal journeys from Canadian political insider in the era before female suffrage to Irish political outsider.
Author: Samuel Beckett (editor is Seán Kennedy) Language: English ISBN: 978-0-571-24475-1
Book description is from the Faber and Faber website.
Written over three months in 1946, Mercier and Camier was Beckett’s first post-war work, and his first novel in French. He came to regard it as a practice piece, and set it aside to write his trilogy. Mercier et Camier was finally published in 1970, and in Beckett’s English translation four years later. The eponymous heroes tramp around a city, then out of it, then back again. They are aimless, but there is something elusive that they should be doing. They arrange meetings, they drink, they argue, they discuss being shot of each other. They are preoccupied by the weather, by provisions, by a raincoat, by an umbrella, by a bicycle ... ‘All of these ingredients in the later work are accompanied here, fleetingly, by those things in Beckett that we know but cannot really name, those things were to occupy so much of the trilogy. Intangible things, traps in the mind, that voice we hear, the stop-start understanding, the ongoing bewilderment, the fear.’ Keith Ridgeway
Author: various (edited by James Silas Rogers with essay from Pádraig Ó Siadhail) Language: English ISBN: 1092-3977
Author: Records of Meath Archaeological and Historical Society Language: English ISBN: 0461-5050 (ISSN)
Author: various (Editor by Matteo Binasco, essay submitted by Terrance Murphy.) Language: English ISBN: ISBN 978-3-319-95975-7
Terrence Murphy wrote "Language, Ethnicity, and Region: Rome and the Struggle for Dominance of the Canadian Catholic Church, 1785-1930". Also we would like to point out that the book was edited by Matteo Binasco who holds a MA in Atlantic Canada Studies from Saint Mary's. And in addition, there is a second article written by a fellow colleague, Luca Codignola, Adjunct in History and Saint Mary’s Honorary Doctorate, entitled "Rome as Part of the Irish North Atlantic Experience, 1770-1830".
This book builds upon research on the role of Catholicism in creating and strengthening a global Irish identity, complementing existing scholarship by adding a ‘Roman perspective’. It assesses the direct agency of the Holy See, its role in the Irish collective imagination, and the extent and limitations of Irish influence over the Holy See’s policies and decisions. Revealing the centrality of the Holy See in the development of a series of missionary connections across the Atlantic world and Rome, the chapters in this collection consider the formation, causes and consequences of these networks both in Ireland and abroad. The book offers a long durée perspective, covering both the early modern and modern periods, to show how Irish Catholicism expanded across continental Europe and over the Atlantic across three centuries. It also offers new insights into the history of Irish migration, exploring the position of the Irish Catholic clergy in Atlantic communities of Irish migrants. (The book description is from the Palgrave MacMillan website.)
Author: various (edited by Seán Kennedy and Katherine Weiss) Language: English ISBN: 978-0-230-61944-9
Samuel Beckett: History, Memory, Archive - This volume comprises ten essays challenging the dominant account of Samuel Beckett’s engagement with history. As the first full-length volume to address the historical debate in Beckett studies, Samuel Beckett: History, Memory, Archive provides both ground-breaking analysis of the major works as well as a sustained interrogation of the critical assumptions that underpin Beckett studies more generally. Drawing on a range of archival materials, and situating Beckett in historical context, these essays pose a strong challenge to the prevailing critical consensus that he was a deracinated modernist who cannot be read historically. (Book description is from the back cover of the book.)
Author: various (edited bySeán Kennedy) Language: English ISBN: ISSN 1699-311X
Electronic journal of the Spanish Association for Irish Studies (AEDEI). This is a special issue.
Author: various (various editors) Language: English/French ISBN:
Author: Pádraig Ó Siadhail Language: Irish ISBN: 1 874700 46 X
Book description is from the back cover of the book.
Is éard atá sa leabhar seo ná an chéad chuntas cuimsitheach dár foilsíodh riamh ar stair dhrámaíocht na Gaeilge. Déantar scagadh ann ar na hiarrachtaí móra a tugadh ar amharclannacht na Gaeilge a fhorbairt i mBaile Átha Cliath, i nGaillimh, i dTír Chonaill agus i gCorcaigh. Cuirtear síos ar obair cheannródaithe Chonradh na Gaeilge i gcuibhreann an téatair. Reictear scéal an Chomhair Drámuíochta, Thaibhdhearc na Gaillimhe agus an Damer agus déantar mionphlé ar obair chonspóideach Earnáin de Blaghd in Amharclann na Mainistreach. Agus é ag tarraingt ar iliomad foinsí agus cáipéisí, cíorann an t-údar gné thábhachtach de stair athbheochan na Gaeilge san aois seo.
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