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Former Students representing JET 


Prizes for Japanese!

To promote Japanese language learning and encourage Japanese language students in their studies while inspiring them to build cultural bridges, Japanese language speech contests are held every spring in regions across Canada leading up to a national competition. These competitions are supported by the Japanese government, The Japan Foundation and co-organized by various universities.

This year Saint Mary's hosted the 13th Annual Atlantic Canada Japanese Language Speech Contest on March 15. The President, Vice President and the Dean of Arts were all were present. A moment of silence was observed to honour the victims of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan just days before.

Thanks to the support of the Consulate General of Japan in Montreal an extended cultural programme was offered. Understanding that language is a part of the cultural fabric clothing a nation, marvellous cultural performances were presented through the joint efforts of students, teachers and volunteers from the community. Tea ceremony, Ikebana Flower Arrangement, Taiko Drumming and Archery - all enriched the experience as many of the participants have commented.

Students, encouraged to be creative, responded by not only writing, memorizing and delivering their speeches but also writing and performing Japanese farces

There were 14 awards in total. The University of New Brunswick received 1 award, Saint Thomas University received 2 awards, Mount Allison University received 2 awards and Saint Mary's received 9 awards, including the overall Grand Prize. Once again our student will represent Atlantic Canada at the nationals. Davina Ebbeson will compete in the advanced category


The 12th Annual Atlantic Canada Japanese Language Speech Contest

As the cherry blossoms in Japan are about to open it is again that time of the year when the Annual Atlantic Canada Speech Contest takes place. On Saturday, March 13th we have traveled to Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB with 12 students from Saint Mary's. As usual, we were the best represented of the four schools at the competition. Our students did very well. We competed in three categories and won first place in two of them, which means two students of Saint Mary's will be traveling to Toronto for the National Speech contest to represent Atlantic Canada at the end of March. All together Saint Mary's students received 7 awards out of 11.
It was a beautiful, sunny spring day and everyone enjoyed it very much and learned a lot from the experience.

Congratulations to all and especially to FanTiankai and Alexandria Dugal and good luck at the Nationals.


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Faculty of Arts
Department of Languages & Cultures
MN 414