Mohita Bhatia

Dr. Mohita Bhatia - Profile

Dr. Mohita Bhatia

Mohita Bhatia received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Cambridge, UK. She was a Fulbright postdoctoral fellow at the Center for South Asia, Stanford University (2016-2018).

Her research engages with issues of power, identity and belonging and spans areas of ethnic conflicts, borderlands, everyday nationalism, refugee issues, citizenship processes, religion, secularization, and multiple marginalities. Ethnography has been at the core of her various research works including her recent book ‘Rethinking Conflict at the Margins’, published by Cambridge University Press in 2020. Her current focus is a collaborative book project on the South Asian diaspora and digital imaginations.

Her teaching interests include qualitative research methods, ethnography, sociological theory, sociology of everyday life, ethnic conflicts and nationalism.


Selected Publications


Bhatia, M. 2020. Rethinking Conflict at the Margins: Dalits and Borderland Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir, Cambridge University Press.

Tremblay, R. and M. Bhatia, eds. 2020. Religion and Politics in Jammu and Kashmir. Routledge.


Book Chapters:

Bhatia, M.  and M. Sharma. Forthcoming “Refugees from Pakistan-Administered- Kashmir: Identities, Refugeness and Citizenship Experiences” in M. Bhatia, R. Chowdhary, and S. Singh eds. Life on the Margins: Borderland narratives and Conflict, Orient Blackswan.

Bhatia, M. 2020. “Secularization and Desecularization: Interrogating the Canonical Approaches in Tremblay, R. and M Bhatia eds. Religion and Politics in Jammu and Kashmir, Routledge.

Wender, A. And M. Bhatia. 2020. “Moving Beyond Secular-Religious Boundaries: A Framework for Understanding the interaction between Religion and Politics” in Religion and Politics in Jammu and Kashmir, Routledge  2020.

Bhatia, M. 2017. “Beyond the ‘Kashmir’ Meta-Narrative: Caste, Identities, and the Politics of Conflict in Jammu and Kashmir” in Zutshi, C. ed. New Perspectives on Kashmir: History, Representation, Politics, Cambridge University Press.


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:

Bhatia, M. 2014. “‘Dalits’ in Jammu and Kashmir: Resistance and Collaboration in a Conflict Situation” Asian Survey, Vol 54, No. 5.

Bhatia, M. 2013. “Revisiting Secularism: Secularism and Secularization-A Bibliographical Essay”, Economic and Political Weekly. Vol XLVIII, No. 50.

Bhatia, M. 2009. Women’s Mobilization in the Jammu Agitation: Religion, Caste, Community and Gender, Economic and Political Weekly. Volume 44, No. 26 and 27.

Contact us

Faculty of Arts
Department of Sociology
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Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3