Learn about mentoring and networking opportunities through SMU CaféSponsored by Ten Thousand Coffees and RBC Future LaunchThe SMU Café online networking program is powered by the Ten Thousand Coffees platform which matches alumni with students and recent grads for a career inspiring conversation over coffee (in person or online!).The Sobey Scholars Network will add a unique component to SMU Café by having alumni mentor new incoming recipients and recent graduates. It is also a terrific opportunity to connect with fellow Sobey Scholar alumni and grow your professional network.
Learn how you can join. Remember to select Sobey Scholars Network as an interest under your preferences. You can then browse and filter through to find other members of the network who are part of SMU Café.
Volunteer your timeThere are many ways you can stay connected to Saint Mary's:
Let us know what kind of volunteer opportunities are you looking for!
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