Primary Field of StudyReligion and Popular Culture, Jewish Religious Tradition, Mythology
Secondary Field of StudHolocaust Representation
B.A. Religious Studies (Saint Mary's),M.A. Theology (University of Saint Michael's College),Ph.D. Religious Studies (University of Toronto)
“The Brightest Shadow: From Fighting Darkness to Seeking it” in The Myth Awakens: Canon, Conservatism, and Fan Reception of Star Wars, ed. Ken Derry and John Lyden. Oregon: Wipf Stock, 2018.
“A Journey into the Heart of God: Darren Aronofsky’s Noah (2014) as a Subversive Kabbalistic Text,” co-written with Magi Abdul-Masih, Journal of Religion and Film, 12 (2018).
The Trial of Adolf Eichmann: Retrospect and Prospect, University of Toronto, September 2012. German Historical Institute Bulletin 52 (Spring 2013).
Lindsay teaches courses in Religious Studies and Holocaust Studies at Saint Mary's. Her research interests include theodicy, religion and popular culture, Holocaust representation, mythology and gender. Her most recent publications explore connections between mythology and popular film. Some recurring courses she has offered at Saint Mary's include, Violence, Myth and Story, God and Evil, Religion and Contemporary Culture, and the Jewish Religious Tradition.
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