Mandy MacArthur
Mandy MacArthur
Religious StudiesPart-time Instructor
Primary Field of Study
Religion and Environmental Ethics
Secondary Field of Study
Religion and Social Justice in a Contemporary Context
BA (Hons) in Religious Studies, Saint Mary's University
MA in Religious Studies, Saint Mary's
Teaching Certificate, Saint Mary's
Instructor Skills Certificate, Saint Mary's & Dalhousie University
Facilitator Skills Certificate, Saint Mary's & Dalhousie University
Mandy’s main area of interest is how religion can offer inherent ways of addressing the modern ecological crisis, while also focusing on topics such as eco-feminism and environmental racism. She is passionate about engaging with religion in a contemporary context, finding new and innovative ways to showcase its relevance for environmental sustainability and issues surrounding social justice. Mandy also works as an Instructional Designer at SMU, designing and developing online courses, and conducting research in online learning in higher education.