Top row (left to right): Ethan Stafford, Paige Bigelow, Max Legere, Susan MacInnis, Jonah Crowther, Bailey Hanna Sutherland, Brandon Legacy
Bottom row (left to right): Marley Raycroft, Connor Haines, Hannah Birru, Hallie Wedge, Aaron Currie, Alexander Bourque, Nicolas James Graham
Meet the 2020 Sobey National Innovators Scholarship recipients
On October 2nd, Saint Mary’s University and the Sobey School of Business announced the first recipients of the new Sobey National Innovators and Sobey MBA Scholarships.
The Sobey National Innovators Scholarship Program brings the most promising business students in Canada to the Sobey School of Business. Made possible by the generosity of the Sobey Family, The Sobey Foundation, Sobeys Inc., and Empire Company Limited, these ten renewable undergraduate entrance awards are valued at $50,000 over four years and are awarded annually to exceptional students from across Canada. The initial scholarship in academic year 1 is $20,000. The renewal value in academic years 2-4 is $10,000 per year.
This scholarship is renewable if the student recipient achieves the university academic requirement for scholarship renewal as it may change from time to time.
This scholarship program will support 150 students over the next ten years with the goal of supporting the best and brightest graduate and undergraduate business students in the country to come to Saint Mary’s University and the Sobey School of Business.
Learn more about the new Sobey National Innovators Scholarship recipients:
Made possible by the Sobey Transformational Gift, these five renewable entrance awards are valued at $30,000 each and are awarded annually to outstanding MBA students from across Canada in recognition of their accomplishments, and as encouragement and support for their success in the Sobey School of Business.
Our goal is to attract and support students from across the country by distributing these regionally, with two for students from Western Canada and the Territories, two for students from Ontario and Quebec, and on for students from Atlantic Canada. Additionally, we aim to award a minimum of 2/5 to women applicants.
Learn more about the new Sobey MBA Scholarship recipients:
Since 2006, Sobeys Leadership Awards have been supported by the Sobeys Inc. Scholarship Endowment Fund. Five new renewable awards of $4,000 each are distributed annually. If all returning students meet the award criteria, this could result in 20 awards of $4000, or $80,000, distributed in a single year. These awards recognize community service, leadership, academic achievement, and financial need, and are given to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the Sobey School of Business who demonstrate community service leadership, financial need, and satisfactory academic achievement.
Congratulations to our new and returning Sobeys Leadership Award recipients:
Sophia Andriopoulos 2020-2021
Matthew Hill 2020-2021
Matthew Hugh 2020-2021
David Song 2020-2021
Nhu Gia Trinh 2020-2021
Matthew Delano 2019-2021
Alina Franzman 2019-2021
Jonah MacEachern 2019-2021
Ashlyn Mitchell 2019-2021
Justin Chenier 2018-2021
Peter Doucette 2018-2021
Sophia Hein 2018-2021
Xuan Phu 2018-2021
Megan Chambers 2017-2021
Kirstin Koszegi 2017-2021
Kyle Martin 2017-2021
Established in 2007 and supported by the Sobeys Inc. Scholarship Endowment Fund, the Sobeys Scholar Award gives $25,000 to a first-year student to cover all fees related to enrolment as a full-time commerce student living in residence. Recipients qualify for renewed scholarships from Saint Mary’s for $4,000 for each of their second, third, and fourth years of their degrees. Awarded to a graduating high school student from Canada enrolled as a full-time undergraduate in the Sobey School of Business, recipients demonstrate superior academic achievement and leadership in community service. Recipients who maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 and remain at the Sobey School of Business may apply to work as summer interns for Sobeys Inc. during the three summers of their undergraduate degrees.
Congratulations to our new and returning Sobeys Scholar Award recipients:
The Frank H. Sobey Awards for Excellence in Business Studies is a scholarship program administered by The Sobey Foundation in which Saint Mary's has the opportunity to endorse one applicant from the Sobey School of Business each year. This scholarship is open to all business students in Atlantic Canada.
Congratulations to , a fourth year Entrepreneurship student at the Sobey School of Business. Morgan is one of nine business students from Atlantic Canadian universities who have been named recipients of the generous $30,000 awards.
Learn more about the Frank H. Sobey Awards for Excellence in Business Studies .
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